Federal Court Orders Cross Removed From Veteran’s Memorial

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A cross that has been the centerpiece of a veteran’s memorial near San Diego since 1913 will be destroyed because a federal judge agreed with anti-Christanists that the presence of the cross violates the constitution.

The 29 foot Latin Cross standing at the memorial replaced the original cross in 1954. The Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial contains 3,000 granite plaques individually honoring war heroes from every American war including Iraq and Afghanistan.

Congress made the memorial a “national memorial honoring the United States Armed Forces” in 2004. Congress noted the memorial was “replete with secular symbols” and other faiths including 18 Stars of David. Congress said the cross was a plurality of faiths.

The ACLU proceeded to continue their efforts to remove Christianity from society by suing to remove only the cross from all the religious symbols at the site. A U.S. District Court judge rules for the removal but stayed the order to give defendants a chance to appeal.

2 thoughts on “Federal Court Orders Cross Removed From Veteran’s Memorial

    • This Judge should be removed!! How dare he make such a decision because some despicable athiests/ACLU members want it down?! I am very angry when Christians are trampled on by these anti-christ devils! It has become difficult to find an honest judge any time, any where!!!!

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