Seventy New Anti-Abortion Laws Take Effect

Matthew 19:18 ESV “And Jesus said, “You shall not murder…”

Editor’s Note: Throughout the scriptures, God has made it clear that shedding innocent blood is murder, and no murderer will enter heaven. In addition to the death of the unborn baby, abortion also substantially harms the women and many times, families, husbands, boyfriends and a whole sphere of relationships connected to and surrounding each abortion. Often, lifelong guilt and other social, relational, spiritual and even physical problems follow the murder of innocent babes in the womb. Pastor Jim Bakker believes that this issue, abortion, may be the single most significant issue that brings God’s judgment on this nation more than any other.

Seventy new anti-abortion laws went into effect January 1 in 22 states prompting pro-abortionists to howl in protest.

The Guttmacher Institute reports the 70 new provisions are the second most ever behind 90 enacted in 2011.

Planned Parenthood, which is the source of one-third of all abortions each year in the United States, said the actions to protect the lives of babies was the result of “out of touch Tea Party politicians” who used “underhanded tricks” to get laws passed.

The abortion restrictions include requiring minors to get a parent’s permission, waiting periods and prohibitions on public funding of abortions.

Planned Parenthood threatened to target any politician that is against abortion.

One thought on “Seventy New Anti-Abortion Laws Take Effect

  1. 22 States?..ummm…Is Montana one of those States I hope ! I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for informing or I wouldn’t have even been aware….duh !!!! : – )

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