Personal Drones Arriving In June

Daniel 12:4 NLT “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."

Want to spy on your neighbor?  Want to see where your spouse goes in the afternoon?  Want to peer in on the meeting at church you weren’t invited to?

Starting in June, you could spy on all of those with a personal drone you can carry in your pocket and have airborne and spying on someone within 20 seconds.

The “Pocket Drone” by AirDroids was seeking $35,000 from the crowdfunding site Kickstarter to launch their company.  With 45 days left in their funding campaign, the company has raised $365,000 from over 800 backers seeking to get their hands on a personal spy craft.

The craft will be remote controlled either with a specialized controller or from a laptop, desktop or smartphone using the Android operating system.  While the system only allows for 20 minute flights before needed a recharge, it can capture hundreds of photographs in that short time.

The system will also allow users to have a “follow me” mode where a mobile device with GPS can be tracked by the drone.  If the user can hack a subject’s phone, they can program the drone or series of drones to follow a target.

The drone could also be used for real-time video surveillance.

2 thoughts on “Personal Drones Arriving In June

  1. I also have the book Zenith by Tom Horne! yes as the Bible tells us in Daniel that knowledge will increase it really has in the last few short years. All I can say is Lord help us be ready for his coming which I believe is just around the corner. Prophecy is fulfilling so fast you can’t hardly keep up as it all is unfolding before our very eyes. Look up for we may be going up shortly. Praise the Lord!

  2. Scarry. Just finished reading Tom Horne’s book, Zenith 2016 and possible uses for all the new technology that is comming fast. Julie Ellis, Warner Robins, GA

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