Pastor Credit’s God’s Hand In Saving Student Lives

Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

A Mississippi pastor is giving all credit to God that none of his youth members were killed when the floor beneath them collapsed during a worship service.

The second floor of an activity center at the Freedom Baptist Church in Myrick, Mississippi collapsed last night during a youth worship service.  At least 70 students fell through the collapsed floor when it gave way.

“We heard a huge rumble and the floor collapsed and people came with it,” Tori Hodge, 18, told a local newspaper.  “Everybody heard it.  The floor started crumbling and waving.  People started falling through the ceiling, just like you’d see in a movie.”

At least 35 students were injured including one that was taken to the hospital after she struck her head.  Emergency personnel said that most of the students suffered cuts and bruises although a few were suspected to have broken bones.

Pastor Tommy Davis said it was only by God’s hand that none of the students were seriously injured or killed.

“God’s hand was certainly taking care of the kids who were in that building,” Pastor Davis told a local newspaper.

One thought on “Pastor Credit’s God’s Hand In Saving Student Lives

  1. Thank you so much for that awesome scripture. I ask God for strength and courage every day. He has given me courage to change things in myself and courage to do what is right that could not do on my own. Thank you God!

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