Largest West Coast Quake Since 2010 Strikes

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

California residents may have dodged a big bullet.

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck Sunday night off the coast of northern California, making it the strongest quake to hit west coast since the 2010 Baja California quake that measured 7.2 on the Richter Scale.

The quake struck 50 miles west of Eureka, California in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of four miles.  Several aftershocks struck closer to land, including a 3.4 magnitude shock that struck about 16 miles off the coast, but none were centered inland.

Police throughout the region reported no significant injuries.

“My car was rocking back and forth,” Sgt. Brian Stephens of the Eureka Police Department told the LA Times.  “I thought someone was shoving my car back and forth, looked around and no one was there.   Then I realized what was happening.”

Another resident described the quake as almost like ocean waves, slowly rolling and rocking their home but not causing any real shock.

One thought on “Largest West Coast Quake Since 2010 Strikes

  1. everyone shall reap what was sown……god is not mocked……the dead are the first to meet him…..the living shall be called to meet him in the spiritual realm…..rock and roll is what the earth will do…..what can survive god’s wrath?his wrath has been stored up since Jesus was nailed to a cross…what parent could hold anger,for so long,showing grace to world so full of greed and hate….only god did…..his anger will manifest as his son returns as a lion….his name has been dis honored, dis graced,and used to spread greed by the money changers….no different than those he whipped on the temple steps…..the anti-christ spirit of greed is the gospel that the devil is spreading….santified stolen money—god don’t steal—dead people leave it for him—the wages of sin is death…people hord it up—god spreads it again…AD?AFTER DEATH…THE EARTH QUAKES MORE,,BECAUSE GOD IS COMING TO AVENGE HIS PEOPLE,,NOT THE WORKERS OF INEQUITY….HE IS IN YOU,THE SAME WAY YOU ARE IN HIM….NO MORE–NO LESS….FORGIVENESS FROM GOD IS MEASURED OUT BY FORGIVING OTHERS,,,SO IS GOD’S GRACE..YOU HAVE TO SHOW IT TO GET IT…GREED WILL LEAVE THIS NATION BEGGING FOR FOOD IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS,,,,,PEOPLE WILL KILL THOSE HAVING IT…WHEN THEY HAVE NONE…WHETHER WE HAVE IT OR NOT…DEATH IS COMING…GOD TURNED AWAY AS JESUS WAS PAYING FOR OUR SINS….HE WANT LOOK AT SIN EITHER….THE SPIRIT OF GREED WILL LEAVE PEOPLE AS BEGGARS…THE FALL OF THE RICH INTO A LIONS DEN….ROMAN FUN….

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