Record Cold Hits Eastern U.S.

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

April is less than a week away but many cities across the eastern United States are seeing temperatures that are closer to January.

Arctic air is making another plunge into the eastern U.S. driving temperatures toward record lows.  The cold brought below zero conditions as far south as the Alabama panhandle and northern Florida.

The record conditions were as far south as Macon, Georgia, which set an all time low temperature record for the day at 26 degrees.

Toledo, Ohio and Detroit were also confirmed to have cold temperature records.

A blizzard that was predicted to possibly hit New England moved into Atlantic Canada but it brought high wind and cold to the northeast.  Temperatures on Cape Cod, Massachusetts hovered near 0 degrees and winds throughout the region were gusting to over 70 miles per hour.

A warm up is expected to begin on Thursday.

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