Colorado Legislators Attempting To Stop Future Abortion Laws

Matthew 19:18 ESV “And Jesus said, “You shall not murder…”

Editor’s Note: Throughout the scriptures, God has made it clear that shedding innocent blood is murder, and no murderer will enter heaven. In addition to the death of the unborn baby, abortion also substantially harms the women and many times, families, husbands, boyfriends and a whole sphere of relationships connected to and surrounding each abortion. Often, lifelong guilt and other social, relational, spiritual and even physical problems follow the murder of innocent babes in the womb. Pastor Jim Bakker believes that this issue, abortion, may be the single most significant issue that brings God’s judgment on this nation more than any other.

A group of Colorado legislators are attempting to pass a bill that would stop the state from being able to pass laws adding any restrictions to abortion.

The bill, called the “Reproduction Health Freedom Act”, would prohibit state and local governments from interfering with “reproductive health care” meaning that the state could not put restrictions on abortion among other things related to human sexuality.

The only exception to the law would be a bill proposed that has “current evidence-based scientific data and medical consensus.”

The bill, which was created and is being pushed heavily by Democratic members of the House and Senate, is being called an attempt to shut down anyone who opposes abortion from having their voice heard in the Colorado political process.

The bill’s sweeping attempts to silence abortion opponents has stirred the Catholic Church in Colorado to mobilize their members to call members of the House and Senate to tell them to vote against the bill.

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