Oklahoma School District To Offer Bible Course

Proverbs 1:5 NCV Wise people can also listen and learn; even they can find good advice in these words.

A Bible curriculum created by the president of the craft chain Hobby Lobby has been approved for use in an Oklahoma school district.

Mustang Public Schools says the course created by Steve Green’s foundation focuses on the history, meaning and the influence of the Old and New Testaments will be an elective course.

“The course is an elective,” Mustang Schools Superintendent Sean McDaniel told the Christian Post.  “When our pre-enrollment packets were returned by students earlier this semester, more than 170 students indicated the course would be their first choice for an elective class.”

The Green Scholars Initiative worked with over 70 scholars of different faiths from Jersualem, Oxford University and Baylor University to create the course.  The content has been put through a “rigorous review” to ensure there is no Christian bias in the text.

Critics admit that teaching the Bible itself is not a violation of church and state.  However, they worry that the teachers will use the class to teach Christian apologetics.

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