Abduction Rate Of Christian Girls In Egypt Rising

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Young Christian women in Egypt are being abducted, tortured, raped and forced to convert to Islam in record numbers.

The report from International Christian Concern says that since the Arab Spring uprising in 2011, it has been open season on Christian girls by the Muslim population of the country.  At least 500 confirmed cases of kidnapped Christian girls being forced into Islamic marriages have been reported and many other incidents have not been confirmed.

The ICC reports that Christian girls who resist and refuse to convert to Islam are then brutally killed including being thrown off buildings by their captors.

An ICC spokesman told Fox News that the government is doing more than turning a blind eye.

“Not only are they turning a blind eye, they are often compliant,” Issac Six said.  “It’s pervasive; police at the local level are not stopping the abductions. There needs to be more pressure from the top.  We have seen cases before where we’ve seen victims returned when the police put pressure on the kidnappers. We know it’s possible, unfortunately, the police are often complacent.”

The actions are reportedly being taken by radical Islamists connected to the Muslim Brotherhood who are angry they have been thrown out of power in the country.

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