Pope Francis Breaks Good Friday Tradition

A lot of traditional Catholics are not having a good Friday on Good Friday.

Pope Francis today broke with centuries of tradition and instead of washing the feet of 12 men to remember Jesus’ washing of the disciple’s feet, he washed the feet of women and non-Christians.

“Jesus made a gesture, a job, the service of a slave, a servant,” The Pope said. “And he leaves this inheritance to us: We need to be servants to one another.”

The Pope visited a center for the disabled and elderly in Rome to conduct the ritual.  Pope Francis washed the feet of a dozen people with swollen and disfigured feet, many of whom were in wheelchairs.

The Vatican said that they did not vet the people being served about their religious beliefs although they confirmed an Italian newspaper report that four women and one Muslim man were part of those the Pope served.

The Pope reminded people listening to a Thursday address at the Vatican that this season was more than just Jesus’ resurrection but also to remember the ultimate act of service that Christ performed for us.

4 thoughts on “Pope Francis Breaks Good Friday Tradition

  1. 9-18-2014

    Well, I was thinking that, Maybe he IS a Good Guy, however, when I heard that he was raising Mary, the Mother of Jesus to a Higher place in the Order,allegedly higher than Christ & it made me Think, Hmmm, Satan KNOWS God, Satan KNOWS Christ AND… Satan Wants to Displace God/Jesus & since there ARE those who Pray to Gaia (?) a female, maybe, just maybe ..Pope Francis IS the Last Pope & HE ,is the main Anti-Chris holding the carrot out on the proverbial enticing stick to people to entice them into doing wrongful things…

    He often seems so nice, BUT… I just wonder…

    Also, Satan allegedly is who wrongfully caused the Church, BOTH Catholic, but even most Protestant Churches to Turn Away from God’s Declaration that the SABATH (Saturday) IS the proper day…

    AND… NOW, to possibly Declare that MARY should be “Raise to a Higher Position, Possibly than Jesus???

    I do NOT think so!!!
    I was born & raised as a Catholic, sort-to-speak, however, I have thought about this in my latter years & realize that “Praying the Rosary,” IS Praying to Mary, rather than Christ! Hmmmm…
    Mary IS GOOD, BUT… Mary is NOT Christ! Mary is NOT God! Mary CANNOT BE EQUAL, OR Better!!!

    I noticed that photos a friend of mine in China has sent me photos of THEIR Catholic Church in China AND their Catholic Church in “Outer Mongolia, also has a on Very Large portrait of Mary on their walls & is, to ME, exalting her much, much more than Jesus would want!!!

    So…. What does Anyone else think???

  2. What so ever you do to the least of my brothers there you do unto me!!!! May the name of Yahshua Hamashuach on this Ressurection Day be magnified!! Hallaluyah to the Lamb Of Elohim!!!

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