California Town Caves To Anti-Christian Extremists

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The town of Pismo Beach, California will no longer have any form of prayer in their council meetings after bowing to the demands of the virulent anti-Christian groups Freedom From Religion Foundation and Atheists United San Luis Obispo.

The city claims they are trying to save taxpayer dollars by giving in to the demands of the anti-Christianists.

The two groups had filed a lawsuit against the city six months ago claiming the city was violating the mythical separation of church and state because the prayers were mostly Christian in nature.  They said the city’s volunteer chaplain was a Christian and thus had a Christian tone to his prayers.

They also said that the volunteer chaplain, Rev. Paul E. Jones, would tell people to live a life “in accordance with the Bible.”

The city agreed in their settlement to eliminate the volunteer chaplain position but claimed no liability in the lawsuit.

David Leidner, a member of the anti-Christian Atheist United, said he was “very happy” that the Christian chaplain was no longer part of the meetings and that there will be no prayers allowed.

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