HUD Refuses To Allow Christian Mission To Expand

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The city of Cincinnati says the City Gospel Mission is a benefit to the city and helps residents get back on their feet.

The state’s two U.S. Senators, one Republican and one Democrat, have sent letters saying that the mission is an example of a faith-based organization that makes a real difference and is an asset to their community.

But the Department of Housing and Urban Development is seeking to keep the mission from being able to expand to help more people.

The Mission had planned to move to a larger, state-of-the-art facility when an insurance company discovered that the property had a private use restriction from HUD that dated back 40 years.  The restriction was part of a deal between the city and HUD.

And while Cincinnati waived the agreement saying it was in the city’s best interests, HUD is objecting because the Mission is a Christian organization and because it only houses men in its facility.

HUD says those factors mean the shelter will be violating the Fair Housing Act.

Cincinnati officials say that if the Mission cannot expand, it will mean more homeless on the streets.

A HUD spokesman denied to FoxNews that the matter had anything to do with the group’s religion but then said that he could not comment while they are investigating the situation.

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