Islamists Gun Christian Woman Down In Somalia Street

John 16:2 Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

The al-Shabab terrorist organization has stepped up a campaign against Christians with their latest effort focusing on the very public execution of a Christian woman.

Sufia, a Christian woman living in Mogadishu, was inside her home when a group of terrorists stormed inside, drug her into the street, beat her and then shot her point blank while friends, family and neighbors tried to save her.

The terrorists shouted as they were committing the murder that Sufia had been converting Muslims to Christianity.   The woman’s family says she was not doing any evangelizing in their community.

The government says this is the third targeted murder of Christians this month by the Islamic terrorist outfit.

According to the watchdog group Open Doors, Somalia is the second most oppressive country for Christians behind North Korea.

The killing comes on the heels of the government driving the terrorist group out of a previous stronghold in the city of Eyn.

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