Saeed Abedini Beaten In Hospital And Returned To Prison

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The family of wrongly imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini says that he has been beaten while in an Iranian hospital and then taken back to prison.

Iranian family members have reported that Pastor Abedini was beaten by Iranian jailers while shackled to his hospital bed and then rushed back to Rajai Shahr prison.  No explanation was given to the family or hospital staff for the immediate removal of Abedini.

Abedini had been hospitalized because of beatings taken at the hands of jailers and prisoners at both Evin and Rajai Shahr prisons.  Untreated internal bleeding had caused massive complications and heavy pain for Abedini and he had been scheduled for surgery until the Iranian government stopped it.

“It is a very disturbing development that underscores what we have known from the very beginning.  There is much upheaveal and uncertainty in Iran,” Jordan Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice said.  “This unexpected move raises great concern.”

The Obama Administration has not yet made any comment regarding this sudden reversal in treatment of American citizen Abedini by the Iranian government.

9 thoughts on “Saeed Abedini Beaten In Hospital And Returned To Prison

  1. The US should send a special ops team in there to get him out and send a message to the world that we are not going to tolerate another nation treating one of our citizens this way.

  2. Been reading II Chron. about King Jehosophat’s rein over Israel & Judah & how once when the king was seeking God for help when the king faced a very fearful battle, GOD said not to fear that HE would fight the battle.

    All the king had to do was to have the Temple music leader organize the musicians and all of them march forward (without weapons) but go forward, playing instruments, singing, repeatedly shouting praises to God. Amazing, their obedience was all it took and God wiped out total of all 3 of those nations coming against Israel/Judah. Even before the battle began, God told the king just where the enemies would approach them on the morrow.

    Read it for yourself. So many examples recorded throughout O.T. Scripture how God worked His plan to destroy those enemies. AND This God IS THE SAME GOD we serve Today! Time after time God performed similar feats after a nation sought His help. But disobedience brought on very bad consequences. The king made the difference in those cases. If the King honored & obeyed God & he required the priests to teach people to do the same, they lived a peacful life & prospered.

    Unfortunately we have no serious God fearing leader of our country, (but Fear of Iran, N. Korea, etc.) so it’s left up to us to keep asking God for help for Saeed & other suffering Christians AND for our country. If God finds only a small number of us praying for Saeed & others, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth, He could turn the tide & rescue them and demonstrate HIS power, not only to us, but to all nations. We are confused as to why Saeed & Christians in N. Korea, Africa, Egypt, & just about every country are being imprisoned, tortured, killed for Christ’s sake.. But, God already knew that MONEY will TALK & PRIDE would win out, over righteousness.. Without a ruling, God fearing man in the Whitehouse, any hope of change is left up to us.

    As the laws of our country are reflecting more like the sinful life styles during Noah’s time, we Believers still hold to our faith in The Lamb of God, and our testimony of His Saving Blood that removes our sin. We look up for our redemption draweth near! PRAY that our leaders will be bold to return to Righteousness! Lead our nation back to GOD ALMIGHTY! PRAY for the Peace of Jerusalem! Pray for the LOST!

    • Amen! We need more like you. May all believers stand up for what is right and turn this nation around toward the True Living God! Blessings on you and your loved ones!

  3. I call on all Christian Americans to wake up and pray for Pastor Saeed and all other Christians world-wide who are being mis-treated. They are our brothers and sisters. If this non-human actions are being allowed on the other side of the world, how long do you think it will take to reach American soil? The enemy does not rest, we cannot afford to. What can we do? Pray from our inner-most being on a daily basis. Think, what if it were you and how would you want people to pray. Prayer is our greatest weapon against the enemy! I believe there are those who are praying but for those who are not……………

  4. Oh how the USA has failed with Christians, Israel and Morality. God is going to lower the BOOM on the USA if we don’t repent. This country was founded on GOD and blessed as long as we continued. With
    Obama and the Corruption of Congres/House and our representatives, God will not ignore the Evil and
    watch for the Blood Moon the end of the YEAR..Something Big is about to explode.

  5. May he endure and be that shining witness that he is. Let there come someone
    with mercy on this poor man. I am distraught about this and wonder where our
    president is when we need his interceding. Other presidents would NEVER have
    allowed this to go on for so long and to such a dregree.

    • My dear sister in Christ, Obama has done and said many things I disagree with. But I seek to destroy the poisoned vine from the root and not from the top. By doing this, we destroy the real culprit(satan)by strong prayer and commanding him to bow and stay underneath our feet. That is the kind of prayer Pastor Saeed and others like him need. God will take care of Obama and his actions, believe me.

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