Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Divest From Companies Involved With Israel

Luke 19:43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.

A slim majority of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s general assembly has shown their lack of support for Israel by voting to sell any stock with companies that do business with Israel.

The 310-303 vote to sell stock in Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions came two years after a similar proposal was rejected by only two votes.  The people who supported the move claim the vote is only against companies that help Israel build homes in the Palestinian territories, showing they support Palestinian claims over Israel.

The Anti-Defamation League and other groups that support Israel met the group’s action with immediate criticism.

“The claim by the PC(USA) that it does not support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement is simply not reflected in this resolution and the overall tone of the discussions,” The ADL said.  “[The measure is] driven by hatred of Israel.”

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs said the decision will have a “devastating impact” on the denomination’s relations with Jewish groups.

“We hold the leadership of the PCUSA accountable for squandering countless opportunities, not only to act responsibly to advance prospects for Middle East peace but also to isolate and repudiate the radical, prejudiced voices in their denomination,” the council said in a statement.

7 thoughts on “Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Divest From Companies Involved With Israel

  1. To Charles Reece … It seems that you are providing a Jewish point of view, which you have stated quite well. I know very little of the “gentile church”.that you mention. It seems this could include Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and even demon worshipers. I (as many others) am part of the Christian Church. We are followers of Jesus Christ, the name that seems to offend so many. Some Christians are Christians ‘by name only’ and do not speak for all of us. We support Israel because the God of Israel is our GOD, and has told us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem! Most Christians love Israel and Jerusalem though we have never traveled there. Do not judge Christians by the actions of this one denomination. Just as many Jews are not followers of the Torah, Many self-proclaimed Christians are not followers of Christ. .

  2. Yes, Presbyterian Church USA, those that voted for divestment, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You don’t know the Scriptures, or don’t take the Word of God seriously. To have something against Israel is to have something against the very God and His people: the patriarchs, Jesus, and the first apostles were all Jewish; and they are the authors of our Christian faith.

  3. Israel has every right to do what they are doing ! USA Presbyterian Church, you should be ashamed of yourself’s, Israel will be better off without your support. GOD Support’s ISRAEL.


  5. Don’t they realize that their church forefather roots are the Israel fore-fathers? (Abraham, Issac and Jacob) I don’t think the quote “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”, covers this direct disrespect and attack!

  6. I think that this is the WRONG approach for any church – of ANY denomination – to try to “hurt” the State of Israel. We need to CONTINUE to support Israel; WHILE AT THE SAME TIME, though, make it quite “clear” that the Israeli government has a “MORAL OBLIGATION” – or a “moral duty” – to uphold the Biblical standards of JUSTICE that God has already prescribed in the Torah; for both citizens and residential aliens, as especially discussed in the Law of Moses and elsewhere in the Lord’s word.

    Speaking up for the “human rights” of Palestinians (or for whoever else) DOES NOT necessarily mean that we TRANSLATE this same “protest” in the FORM of “boycotting” Israel; because of the state’s unique spiritual POSITION with the God of Heaven, by way of the eternal Biblical promises made to the great patriarch, Abraham. That is, it is BOTH “biblical” – to speak out against “injustices” in Israel (and anywhere else); AND simultaneously, to still financially SUPPORT the State of Israel anyway. The two righteous acts DO NOT have to be MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. That is, we can BOTH – “speak out” against any hypothetical “injustices” committed against Palestinians in Israel; AND simultaneously, CONTINUE to “bless” Israel with FINANCIAL support; because she still IS – and will ALWAYS be – the “apple of God’s eye” [according to Deuteronomy 32:10, Lamentations 2:18, Zechariah 2:8].

    Therefore, ONE “righteous act” – as defined by the Torah – does not necessarily have to be SUBSTITUTED for another. In other words, supporting the “rights” of Palestinians may still be MUTUALLY INCLUSIVE with still SUPPORTING Israel – and NOT exclusive; and let God HIMSELF “deal” directly with Israel’s injustices committed against non-Jews residing in the Holy Land. For the Presbyterian Church to “all-of-a-sudden” take on a “worldly” approach to remedy “human-rights violations” in Israel, by impulsively DECIDING to “boycott” Israel – without careful FORETHOUGHT on God’s word – especially NOW, with Iran planning on building “The Bomb” – only serves to INTENSIFY a pre-existing two-millennia-old/anti-Semitic ATTITUDE on the part of Gentile Christians.

    If the Gentile Church wants to boldly proclaim “JUSTICE” throughout land of Israel; well then, why not do it WITHOUT having to sacrifice the “financial blessings” to Israel; that will, in turn, bless Humanity – if we CONTINUE to do so, according to Genesis 12:2-3 (and other scriptures)???

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