Chinese River “Turns To Blood”

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

“The river looked like it turned to blood.”

Residents of the Zhejiang province made similar statements to reporters all morning after the river running through their villages turned blood red.

“The really weird thing is that we have been able to catch fish because the water is normally so clear,” one resident said.

The river reportedly was fine around 5 a.m. according to fisherman but within an hour had turned blood red and created a foul smell.  Fish within the river are reportedly dying and washing up on riverbanks.

Government inspectors say the cause has to be illegal dumping in the river.

“We suspect that somebody dumped artificial coloring in the water because he thought the typhoon yesterday would cause heavy rain, and nobody would notice [the color],” Jianfeng Xiao, Chief of the Wenzhour Environmental Protection Bureau told China News.

6 thoughts on “Chinese River “Turns To Blood”

  1. Yes! This is the last of days and we need to be looking up for HIS return, also we need to be telling people about the LOVE of JESUS. We need to be helping our brothers and sisters as well because we need each other. Yes, LORD come quickly LORD.

  2. Even though so many people don’t believe what IS happening. It is written in the scripture. It has to come to pass because GOD cannot lie and is not capable of lying. Be ready as Jim says. You people thinks he is crazy. In the end he will be wearing his crowns of rewards for spreading the warning messages and obeying the will of GOD and do what he want him to do. If he can’t do it right, he will make sure the message will get out the right way through Jonathan Cahn [the man after GOD’s heart].

  3. These amazing signs predicted in the Word of God keep happening at a record pace. Matthew 24 predicts
    that earthquakes, famines, wars, persecution, & Christians put to death, false prophets, sun darkened, moon refuse to shine, & stars will fall from heaven etc. All these are signs of the last days before Christ returns for His own. We all need to get ready for His coming & remain ready to avoid the great & terrible day of the Lord.

  4. I thank God for the boldness of Jim and Lori for telling the people of the current events that are in line with the prophetic views of the Bible and the current events that are fulllfilling Revelation. Not only is it a true witness to the lost but a Wake Up for the church and a call for true repentance. I honor and bless the guest on their show for the Word of the Lord they bring to not only warn us but to prepare us for the upcoming Glorious day of the re5urn of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! May God continue to use you and your guest as a vessel of truth to prepare His children for His return. May the Lord bless and keep you all. With Jesus love, Rhonda from Texas.

  5. Today on the news a lightening strike on Venice Beach, CA over the weekend – a one in 7million odds and a tornado right outside of Boston- the first since record keeping began. I thank God for Jim and Lori Bakker and their call from God to equip us with knowledge and wisdom in these last days. Now immediately when I hear these reports I know time is moving faster and faster towards the return of our Glorious Lord and Savior Jesus!

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