Court Rules Against Anti-Christianists Over 9/11 Cross

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A federal appeals court has told a group of anti-Christianists that “the cross at Ground Zero” is not an unconstitutional endorsement of religion.

The group American Atheists had demanded the cross be removed because it violated the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.

“American Atheists contend that the Port Authority and the foundation impermissibly promote Christianity in violation of the Establishment Clause and deny atheists equal protection of the laws by displaying the cross at Ground Zero in the museum unaccompanied by some item acknowledging that atheists were among the victims and rescuers on September 11,” read the opinion.

“American Atheists acknowledge that there is no historic artifact that speaks particularly to the loss of atheists’ lives or to atheists’ rescue efforts … we conclude that American Atheists’ challenge fails on the merits. Accordingly, we hereby affirm the judgment in favor of appellees.”

The president of American Atheists says it’s not fair that a cross is in the 9/11 Museum and his group can’t put up some kind of tribute to atheists, even though the “cross” wasn’t given by any Christian group but rather discovered as part of the debris of the Twin Towers.

“They’re trying to Christianize 9/11 with this cross and it’s not American and it’s not fair,” said David Silverman.

The anti-Christianist group will likely appeal the decision.

2 thoughts on “Court Rules Against Anti-Christianists Over 9/11 Cross

  1. I have a suggestion for the atheists tribute for 9-11. We have “the headless horseman”, or a jack-o-lantern, or any other halloween representation. Those are all appropriate for non believers and is one of their holidays. Sorry. Not very nice of me.

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