Luke 17:28-30 “Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built” but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
Riding the coattails of a national anti-Christian organization, a group of New York Satanists plan to give students of a Florida information how to worship satan.
Orlando high school students had Bibles made available to them on what the school called “Religious Freedom Day.” The anti-Christian group Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a suit against the school after they were not allowed to give out anti-Christian materials at the event.
The material in question contained explicit and inappropriate content for children.
The school backed down from the FFRF after the lawsuit was filed and permission was given for the FFRF to promote their hate against Christians in the school.
Now, the New York based Satanic Temple has announced they will be providing materials to the students during Religious Freedom Day.
“I am quite certain that all of the children in these Florida schools are already aware of the Christian religion and it’s Bible, and this might be the first exposure these children have to the actual practice of Satanism,” spokesperson Lucien Greaves wrote in a recent press release about the matter. “We think many students will be very curious to see what we offer.”
The materials from the group including coloring pages of goat’s heads.
Debemos como hijos de Dios defender la fe pues nuestros hijos pueden se confundidos por falsas doctrinas. Una ves mas vemos como son atacados los cristianos que promomueven el amor,la paz,la sana fe hacia un Dios de amor y misericordia , el govierno y los jueses deberían pensar que todo lo que promueve muerte,odio y cosas ocultas no son nada bueno para nadie mucho menos para los niños, no hay nada de inocencia en esos puedo entender como pueden dar espacio a algo semejante, creo que es abuso infantil sin duda alguna y un ataque contra nuestras familias algo que aunque usted no sea cristiano debería preocuparle. Estados Unidos es un país fuerte pero sus principales enemigos no está fuera de él sino dentro y sutil mente están socavando la base de toda sociedad ( La familia)
No permitas que tus hijos tomen esos libros , acude a la escuela de tu hijo para decir no a esa literatura y llama al distrito escolar para decir no a esos libros o algo relacionado con el satanismo !Defendamos a nuestros niños de gente perversa !!!
I’ve been involved with education for over two decades, and from my experience I would not place my child in a public (government) school if I had to live in a tent and eat beans. We’re losing 90% of children to the secular humanists, and if your a Christian let me ask, “What is your child’s soul worth?” I view placing a child in a public school as ‘legalized child abuse.’
If you have the opportunity to stand up for Jesus, do it now. There may not be many chances left.
This is our time to let God shine. Christians stand up & be counted. The Lord is watching.
We truly are in the last days when God will pour out His wrath upon sinful mankind. Satan knows his time is short & wants to spread his propaganda to contaminate the young hearts & minds of our children. Christian Parents stand up & be counted for righteousness & for the sake of your children whose young minds need to hear the truth of God’s Word & not anything antiGod.