Franklin Graham Says Christians Need To Step Up Against Persecution Abroad

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Reverend Franklin Graham is making a call to Christians across America to shake off their apathy and begin to work to help persecuted Christians around the world.

“I don’t think we’re doing enough. No, I don’t. There is much more we can do,” Graham told The Christian Post.

“The greatest thing we can do is to pray — to pray for the Christians who are suffering. Saeed Abedini is on the poster behind us, but there are thousands upon thousands of Christians in Syria and Iraq who are suffering because of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Graham spoke at the Washington vigil for Saeed Abedini, whose plight has been largely ignored by the State Department and Obama administration.

Graham was also critical of Muslims around the world that have not taken steps to stop Islamic extremism.  Graham believes if they truly are against the movements of groups like ISIS or Boko Haram, they would be taking action.

“Followers of a peaceful religion do not cut off the heads of innocent people in the barbaric action the world has been watching,” said Graham before those gathered.

“Believers in a peaceful religion do not kidnap 300 young school girls as Boko Haram did in Northeastern Nigeria in April. … Men who practice a peaceful religion do not detonate bombs on American streets during a marathon race to kill and to maim.”

5 thoughts on “Franklin Graham Says Christians Need To Step Up Against Persecution Abroad

  1. Shalom Aleckum, I am Robert W. Reich a Jewish Man who believes one must seek the Kingdom Of God (Lord Jesus Christ) and His Righteous for everything will be added prayer, supplication,mercy, abundance and first and foremost Haseed (UNCONDITIONAL LOVE) which comes down from the Father of Lights. In other words put on Christ with His full armor we will walk to the beat of the Heart of El Shaddai and we will be victorious with the Banner of our Lord Jesus Christ to Eternal Life!! Shalom!!

  2. I agree what Franklin said, we all need to pray and God never leaves us nor forsaken us…. God is on our side, who can be against us….

  3. Thank you Franklin! We need more pastors, leads of the flocks, to step forward also and state the things that you have! Every Christian has a responsibility also to speak out. What times we are in!

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