Arrested Chinese Pastor Thanks God For “Jail Opportunity”

Luke 21:12 “But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name.

A Chinese pastor who was arrested during the recent government crackdown on Christians is thanking God for the “opportunity of going to jail.”

Huang Yizi, 40, is facing up to seven years in prison for his speaking out against the government’s destruction of Christian churches.  He was arrested in August when police dragged him from his home in front of his wife and two children.

The official charge is “gathering crowds to disturb social order.”

Beijing rights lawyer Zhang Kai says Yizi is doing well and that from what he can see there is no basis to charge him.

“As a defense lawyer and judging from the evidence so far I don’t think Huang’s actions constituted any crime. Personally, I believe Huang’s arrest is directly related to the general crackdown on churches in Zhejiang.”

Chen Guangcheng, a human rights activist in China, said that the communist government is actually more dangerous than terrorist group ISIS.

“I believe that we have underestimated the threat from the Communist regime like China. They are many, many times more dangerous than the terrorist groups out there. I believe the people will realize later this is true,” Chen said.

One thought on “Arrested Chinese Pastor Thanks God For “Jail Opportunity”

  1. God have mercy on these dear Modern, Christian martyrs for the cause of Jesus Christ. They need our love, prayers & support for standing true to the Gospel of Christ & their Christian testimony in view of their Communist oppressors.

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