Chinese Government Increases Crackdown on Christians

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The Chinese religious freedom group China Aid has released documents showing the Chinese government is increasing their crackdown on churches and Christians.

The government destroyed churches in Wenzhou and Hangzhou on Friday.  Christians in the area reported to China Aid that only one cross remains standing in the Wenzhou area where most of the government persecution has taken place.

“On [Friday], the cross of [Kaiyang Church] of Wuniu pastoral region in Yongjia County, Wenzhou was taken down,” a worshipper from Pingyang County, Wenzhou said. “[The cross on] a church in Ouhai District, Wenzhou was also taken down. Now, in Pingyang County, only the cross of Zengzhan Church has not been taken down.”

Security agents reportedly descended in the middle of the night to remove the crosses and witnesses say that at 3:30 a.m. local time the security agents left after destroying the cross.

“The authorities in Zhejiang have never stopped taking down the crosses,” Pastor Zhang Mingxuan, also known as Pastor “Bike,” said. “They have been obstructing the entry of Christian culture into China. This is religious persecution. In taking down these crosses, they resort to violence.”

One thought on “Chinese Government Increases Crackdown on Christians

  1. David Wilkerson prophesied that there would be religious freedom in the iron curtain countries for a season and the West would suffer insane persecution, and then the freedom in those other countries would be taken away and persecution would ensue there. We are near the end of this dispensation and Jesus is coming soon.

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