Ebola Nurse Amber Vinson Praises God For Healing

Revelation 6:7,8 NCV When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!"8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill people by war, by starvation, by disease, and by the wild animals of the earth.

Amber Vinson, the second nurse to contract Ebola from Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan, praised God as she left Emory University hospital after being declared Ebola free.

“I’m so grateful to be well, and first and foremost, I want to thank God. I sincerely believe that with God all things are possible,” the 29-year-old told reporters at a press conference. “While the skill and dedication of the doctors, nurses and others who have taken care of me have obviously led to my recovery, it has been God’s love that has truly carried my family and me through this difficult time, and has played such an important role in giving me hope and the strength to fight.”

Vinson had caused concern when she became symptomatic after flying back to Dallas from Cleveland.  The CDC had to contact all the passengers on the flight to alert them to be vigilant for possible Ebola infection.

“While this is a day of celebration and gratitude, I ask that we not lose focus of the thousands of families who continue to labor under the burden of this disease in West Africa,” Vinson said. “Thank you to Dr. Kent Brantley and Nancy Writebol, both of whom were successfully treated here at Emory, for your donations of plasma for me and other patients. Finally, my family and I would like to thank many people whose prayers have helped sustain us.”

Dr. Bruce Ribner of Emory University said that Vinson is no threat to the community.

5 thoughts on “Ebola Nurse Amber Vinson Praises God For Healing

  1. It cheers my soul when we give thanks to the Son of Righteousness who is risen with healing in His wings. Our church and I know many others joined in prayer for Amber. I believe that is why she became ebola free, and recovered so quickly, as the scriptures says, whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be delivered. Of course, we do not expect the world to understand the power of God. But we who believe know that when we call upon Him, that He will answer, and shew us great and mighty things that we know not of. And lastly, no weapon formed against us will prosper.

    Grace and Peace
    Elder Christine Pearson

  2. thank you , PASTOR JIM BAKKER
    for coming through , as usual
    pointing out the presence of the lord , as you always do
    “…it has been GOD’S love that has truly carried my family
    and me through this difficult time ”
    once again , for keeping us informed

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