Florida Pastor Breaks World Record With 53 Hour Sermon

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

The Guinness world record for the longest speech marathon has been broken by the Word of God.

Pastor Zach Zehnder of theCross Mount Dora in Florida broke the record with a 53 hour, 18 minute sermon.  The pastor under took the quest to break the previous mark of 48 hours, 31 minutes to raise funds for a non-profit that helps addicts.

“The Idea was to break the Guinness world record for the longest speech ever and I’m a pastor obviously, and so I chose to speak on the Bible and kind of cover the entirety of the story from Genesis to Revelation,” said Zehnder to The Christian Post.  “My goal of the whole sermon was to talk about God’s ridiculous commitment to his people, even though we give up on him that he never gave up on us and kind of trace that theme throughout.”

Zahnder had prepared 50 sermons for the event but only used 45.

The event raised more than $100,000 for a recovery house for Powerhouse Recovery.

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