Earthquakes Rattles Arizona

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

An earthquake rattled northern Arizona Sunday night.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported the 4.7 magnitude quake centered 7 miles north of Sedona and was 6 miles deep.  While no homes reported damage, the highway department had to clear rocks and debris from highways between Sedona and Flagstaf.

“Business as usual,” said David Brumbaugh, director of the Arizona Earthquake Information Center at Northern Arizona University told “It’s nothing unusual to have earthquakes in this part of the state. Most of them are too small to be felt.”

The USGS reported over 1,200 people said they felt the quake.

“I think what I heard was the house kind of rattling,” said Donna Kearney Lomeo, a Sedona real estate agent, told azfamily. “It sounded like a bunch of balls rolling around on the roof.”

Smaller aftershocks have been felt in the region.

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