Pro-Lifers Take City To Court Over Citations For Loitering

Luke 17:28-30 “Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built” but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

A Florida city who has been harassing pro-life protesters is being taken to court by two women threatened with loitering citations for their protest.

The American Center for Law and Justice says they are representing Judith Minihan and JoAnn O’Connell in a federal suit.  The women hold protests and plead with women seeking to kill their children through abortion at the Fort Myers Women’s Health Center.

“When individuals who are driving into the medical office complex stop to speak with Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs will generally hand them literature and speak with them about abortion-related topics, including information about the possible emotional and physical effects of abortion, nearby maternity homes, local and national helplines, and fetal development,”  the ACLJ wrote in their complaint.

The women take care to stand on the public sidewalk while they are there and do not block pedestrians from entering the abortionist.  However, police have taken to harassing the women.

“Defendant Officer Conticelli stated that he would enforce the loitering ordinance against them if they (1) stood in one spot on the public sidewalk in front of the medical office complex and abortion clinic and did not keep walking on that public sidewalk, (2) approached any vehicles entering or leaving the medical office complex and abortion clinic to hand out literature or speak with the occupants of the vehicle, or (3) blocked vehicular traffic entering or leaving the medical office complex and abortion clinic by handing out literature or talking to the people in vehicles,” the complaint reads.

The women handed the officer a consent decree from a previous lawsuit with the city that said they would not interfere with their pro-life activities but the police continued their threats necessitating the current suit.

The city’s attorney said they would be reviewing the situation.

One thought on “Pro-Lifers Take City To Court Over Citations For Loitering

  1. On in total agreement with these two ladies. Abortion is murder. Its never OK to do such a thing. My husband, Tony, and I tried for over 12 years. I’ve had 6 surgeries to ensure conception. I didn’t work. Now I’ve hot to get a hysterectomy. We will adopt, God willing. He struggled through all I went through every rotten step. Down to conceiveing one time and losing it. Nut we north know we will set our child in New Jerusalem. Praise God Almighty!!!!

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