Rabbi Victim of Anti-Semitic Vandalism In Dallas

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A group of anti-Semitic vandals attacked the car of a Dallas area rabbi.

Rabbi Yaakov Rich leads a group worshiping at his home in Dallas.  The neighborhood’s Homeowners Association (HOA) tried to stop the group from having their times of worship and tried to sue the Rabbi to make him stop.  A court threw out the case last month.

Last week, the city of Dallas sued him to make improvements to the home if he wants to continue to hold services.

Then he came outside Thursday to find s swastika painted on his car.

“As a Jew, the swastika is the most offensive symbol that there is. They didn’t just attack me, they attacked every Jew in the City of Dallas. I am very grateful, however, that the members of Congregation Toras Chaim are banding together to ensure that there is no disruption in our activities,” Rabbi Rich told CBS Dallas.

Justin Butterfield of the Liberty Institute told CBS Dallas that this is not the first time the group has faced vandalism.

“In orthodox Jewish homes, there is a little box on the doorway with a scroll on it with a scripture on it, and in the past, somebody had ripped that off of the doorway.  They’ve also had people drive in front of the home screaming obscenities at them,” said Butterfield.

2 thoughts on “Rabbi Victim of Anti-Semitic Vandalism In Dallas

  1. How sickening. And shameful. I’m beginning to see that anti semitism is just as prevalent in larger cities as it is in small towns. I always thought that since big cities had more cultural diversity, there would be more tolerance. I guess I’m wrong.

  2. ha’satan is behind all of this hatred, racism and anti-Semitic behavior. The perpetrators are too stupid to know they are being manipulated.

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