Gospel Star Kirk Franklin Lashes Out at Prosperity Preachers

1Timothy 6:9,10 "But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

Editor's Note:  Jim Bakker has taught and continues to teach that when 'entitlements' are taken away from people, they will riot in the streets.  The prophets who have visited Morningside have confirmed this warning. 

In the wake of a prominent prosperity preacher having to backtrack on a campaign to buy a $65 million dollar plane, Pastor and Gospel music star Kirk Franklin is speaking out against prosperity preachers.

“When a pastor wants people to buy him a private plane while a missionary in Somalia bathes children with sores, that’s a shortage of character. When I camouflage my ‘greeds’ to look like ‘needs,’ that’s a shortage of character,” wrote Franklin in a blog post on Patheos titled “The High Cost of Character.”

Franklin said that many of the prosperity preachers are taking their cues and antics from today’s hip-hop community like Jay-Z and Kanye West.

“This rises to the level of the truly absurd and sounds more like a rap verse that would come from Jay-Z or Kanye West who both by the way have blasphemous nicknames connoting them to God the Father (J-Hova) and his son Jesus Christ (Yeezus) respectively. Isn’t it ironic, or maybe not, that a preacher has a monetary moniker and rappers want to be connected to the divine,” he continued.

“Jay-Z, Kanye and their ilk have been spreading their own insidious brand of the prosperity ministry through their music and lifestyle brands. Their audience is much wider than the black community, but nonetheless they prey on the same group that the prosperity preachers target,” he added.

The preacher who had been raising money for the plane has cancelled his campaign for the jet after a wave of negative response from Christian publications.

4 thoughts on “Gospel Star Kirk Franklin Lashes Out at Prosperity Preachers

  1. Ever wondered why these individuals think they have to go around the world to preach the gospel? Me too. Obviously, according to their thinking, nobody else has the ability to do what they can do. Real men of God would help local ministers around the world to minister to their local people. Sixty-five million could do a lot of good to help poor people trying to minister to their local churches. I think that when ministers think they need a sixty-five million dolllar jet to do the job as minister, they are no longer a minister, but a professional gold digger. My dad, who is no longer living, ministered and personally took vacation time at his full time job to personally build (2) churches and a parsonage. He was not paid for his labor for what he did, or paid for his gas to and from these construction site. As I aged, I began to want to question him why he did this for nothing. One day he looked and me and said ” son I did not do this for people, I did this for God.” He explained that had he done this to receive something from man, he would have quit a long time ago. Where are the strong godly men that sacrificed for God, and often worked full time jobs to minister to others as pastor. A time is approaching rapidly when God will separate the real ministers from the pretenders! Woe unto the pretenders.

  2. The great falling away has been taking place for many years. We are in the End of Time period. It’s so terribly sad that in a lot of churches we are taught to “Worship” our leaders. The true honor that should be given to Jesus and our Father and the precious Holy Spirit. Man has decided he wants that honor and the gifts and the respect. What happened to giving it ALL to Jesus? To actually preaching the Word of God with no spin on it? No self service , no deception. It’s not supposed to be about us. It’s about our Creator. He alone receives the Glory the honor and the special titles. People wake up. Repent. Come out of self and surrender all to Jesus. Take up your Cross and get the sin out of our lives. Let’s become Holy for with out Holiness No man shall see the Lord. No wonder we are being judged. We need a shaking to mourn and come to our senses. People wake up! Myself included. We need to be washed in the blood of Jesus. We need to renew our minds and become like Him and do the works that he did. Nothing less will do. We’ve been taught wrong and our teachers will pay a price and we will pay a price. Where is the fervency, where is the heartfelt desire for men and women and children to be saved and enter into Heaven? Where is Holiness? What the heck happened? We aren’t to commit sexual sins, yet we watch them on TV. We partake. We become blinded in our hearts and then we think it’s ok to ask for millions of dollars for a jet.

    I’m so sick of the watered down, fake circus act we have in most churches in America. I want revival, I want healing , I want Jesus . I want a pastor who isn’t called Bishop but Bob. Isn’t our saviors name Jesus? Or is it Pastor , Bishop, elder, and so forth. Get over it. Let’s put God back on the throne of our lives. Let’s celebrate him let’s talk about how we should give more to Him. Let’s add to the kingdom. Let’s fast and pray. Let’s fervently preach the word of God. Let’s lift up Jesus Christ. Let’s lay down the fundraising and trust God to take care of the rest. Let’s love with the love of God and be about our Father’s business! Let’s not be denied at the gates of Heaven. We want Jesus to let us in!

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