Over 360 Missing In Chinese Boat Disaster

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Disaster teams have recovered 77 bodies from a cruise ship that capsized in the Yangtze River during a storm.  At least 360 other victims of the disaster are still missing.

Authorities say that only 14 people survived the ship’s capsizing on Monday night.  They say some of those survivors jumped from the ship at the start of the storm and were able to swim to shore.  Three survived in an air pocket in the capsized ship until rescuers were able to hear them yelling for help and sent in divers to save them.

Transport Ministry spokesman Xu Chengguang said that the mission has moved from rescue of survivors to recovery of bodies.  The ship is going to be brought upright through steel bars under the ship and two 500 ton cranes.

Xu told reporters despite cutting holes in the ship to try and find survivors, the likelihood of anyone alive is “very slim.”

Xu said righting the vessel “will enable an audit of all the cabins to be carried out as quickly as possible and will be good for searching for the missing in the shortest period of time” and allow them to act to “preserve the dignity of the dead.”

The ship, the Eastern Star, reportedly contained mostly retirees who were viewing the vista along the river.

Government officials had previously cited the ship for safety infractions.  At one point in 2013, it was held from operation because of safety issues according to the maritime bureau.

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