Texas Stores Limit Egg Sales

Matthew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

A chain of grocery stores in Texas is telling their customers they can only purchase a limited amount of eggs because of the bird flu impacting the nation’s egg supply.

H-E-B stores has posted signs saying that customers are limited to three cartons of eggs.  There is no limit on the size of the cartons, just the number of cartons.

The restriction is also in place at H-E-B’s affiliated Central Market stores.

“The avian flu this year has impacted a significant portion of the egg laying population in the United States (over 30 million birds),” company officials said in a statement. “This temporary constriction in the US market has caused an increase in price and shortage in availability of eggs.”

The announcement by H-E-B is on the heels of restaurant chain Whataburger announcing they were reducing their breakfast hours because of the number of egg based dishes on their menu.

5 thoughts on “Texas Stores Limit Egg Sales

  1. Thanks Patti for asking…I too am from West Michigan…worried about the supply here in Muskegon….I ordered 2 buckets of the eggs from Jim and Lori…I just figured better safe than wishing I had done it earlier…from what they are reporting, they have a new supplier, and are trying to keep the $ the same, for a few days yet…I believe the amount is 144 eggs…still comes in the bucket…

    • Thanks Faye for replying to my concern about eggs. Have you tried any of Jim’s eggs yet? I just wondered if they taste like real eggs. We don’t have the money to order anything from Jim right now, but wish we could. I don’t like the idea of being without my eggs for breakfast or for baking.

  2. I inquired this past week with our local grocery store in Holland, Michigan, about whether or not there will be an egg shortage in our area. The store manager said that the store gets their eggs locally from a farm in a located nearby. I am wondering if this Avian Flu can mutate from one state to another. Does anyone know?

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