“My Faith is Part of Who I Am”

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Ebola survivor Dr. Kent Brantly told PBS that is faith is a key part of his life.

“My faith is an integral part of who I am. It’s part of the lens through which I view everything in life. So, I can’t separate this experience from my faith.”

Brantly spoke with PBS and Christian Post about his recently released book, “Called for Life: How Loving Our Neighbor Led Us Into the Heart of the Ebola Epidemic”.

Brantly said that he has no regrets about he and his wife staying in Ebola stricken parts of Africa.

“That’s what God called us to,” Brantly told CP. “And in the whole time throughout this ordeal we knew that we were doing the right thing and were in the right place. So no matter what happened, we didn’t have regrets about it.”

The PBS interviewer asked Brantly if treatment saved him instead of his faith in God.

“I wouldn’t disagree with that statement. I don’t think there is anything special about my faith that saved my life. If anything, my faith is what put me in a position where I got Ebola,” Brantly said.

However, Brantly quickly said it was God to allowed him to live.

“I believe God used those people to save my life, not because of my great faith. It just is. And so I give God the credit for it. But I thank all of those people, and I love them.”

“I try not to compartmentalize my life into, this is my faith life, this is my work life, this is my family life.  My faith is an integral part of who I am. It’s part of the lens through which I view everything in life. So, I can’t separate this experience from my faith.”

Brantly said despite all he’s gone through, he would answer God’s call to go again.

“I would. I would. That is what Amber and I feel like. That’s the kind of life God has called us to. And in some ways, we’re really eager to get back to that, to get out of a life where we’re doing book tours and stuff and get back to the life of service that we feel called to.”

One thought on ““My Faith is Part of Who I Am”

  1. We are our faith. It is not separate from who we are and what we do for a living. We are 1st lovers of Emmanuel. When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them I am 1st a worshipper of Yeshua Ha Mashaich and then we share with them the gifts that God has given us and what we do to make $$$$. Being a believer is a full time job, not just when we are in our churches. But it is out in the world. We meet more people to witness to in the grocery store, and the mall where we walk everyday. We walk to 1 hour, we talk to people for another few hours. Of course as God leads us to go and pray for someone. We are never pushy w/anyone. We even walk up to Muslims and tell them that JESUS loves them and HE IS THE WAY. And only one way to be saved and that is through the blood of JESUS. I call him Yeshua because I, Terri am a jewish. I am a completed Jew. No one has ever refused to be prayed for. We are God’s Ambassadors. Here to bring His Kingdom to the earth, to pave the way for Messisah Yeshua/Jesus. This is our job, not how we make our monthly income . We are retired, but still full of fire. We were forced to retire to take care of our daughter when she was sick. We did it all for Joy and her 2 girls. She did pass into Glory 5 years ago. Our relationship with the Lord strengthened us through everything we had to deal with on a daily basis. Angels came for my daughter when she took her last breath. She had given her heart to Jesus a few years before she passed.

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