Dow Hits Market Correction Status

Revelation 6:5,6 NCV When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse, and its rider held a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard something that sounded like a voice coming from the middle of the four living creatures. The voice said, "A quart of wheat for a day's pay, and three quarts of barley for a day's pay, and do not damage the olive oil and wine!"

The U.S. stock market took another tumble on Friday, down more than 2 percent thanks in part to a scare in the oil market that saw price hit milestones. The dip of over 450 points sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) into the area called a “market correction.”

The oil market fell below $40 a barrel in trading for the first time since 2009 before rallying to finish at $40.45, down 87 cents on the day. The dip is partially attributed to the problems in China as that nation is the world’s largest energy consumer.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was down over 470 points in afternoon trading a day after the index finished 358 points lower. The slide on Friday has taken the DJIA more than 10 percent lower than the record high close of 18,312.19 reached on May 19th. This means the Dow is in what is considered a “market correction.”

These are rare happenings with the last one happening in August 2011 when the S&P suffered a 10% correction. In that correction, the S&P hit 19.4% before rebounding to current levels which are still 6.3% off its high.

“Right now there is a feeling of fear in the marketplace and all news is interpreted negatively and it’s interpreted indiscriminately,” said Tom Digenan, head of U.S. equities as UBS Global Asset Management, told CNBC.

The Standard and Poor’s index, already in the red for the year, fell another 1.8%. The NASDAQ fell 1.9%.

Tokyo’s Nikkei 225 index plunged nearly 3% and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index fell 1.9%.
The Shanghai composite index on mainland China dropped over 4%. MarketWatch noted China’s benchmark index is down 32% since June 12.

5 thoughts on “Dow Hits Market Correction Status

  1. I believe we are seeing the begining of an economic colapse that will be felt around the world. Rabbi cahn was correct. There is an economic event that wilk affect us starting in september and it already has started.

  2. looks like God is following HIS PLAN & this time afew weeks ahead of Elul 29 (Sept 13) ! LISTEN up world,
    you have been warned all this year by voices crying out, “WAKE UP”, PAY ATTENTION TO GOD & HIS WAYS. IT IS TIME TO CHANGE OUR FIGHT AGAINST GOD & PLEAD FOR HIS MERCY. It is here for the taking or receiving HIS offer of HIS FREE GIFT TO TAKE CARE OF SIN, FOREVER. GOD DOES NOT SEND ANYONE TO HELL FOR his sin, because Jesus death on the cross took care of that forever. It is the REJECTION of HIS FREE GIFT IN JESUS CHRIST THAT SENDS ONE TO HELL. Everyone has the choice. which will it be ????? your rejection of Gods offer or receiving this priceless gift that one cannot earn or buy !!!!!!!! This gift can only be received by a thankful heart ! It is not Gods will that even one perish & HE has taken care of all sin, for all people for all time. What is your choice ?????? the self effort & do it yourself plan or GODS GIFT ??????? it is up to you. What do you choose ??? heaven or hell ?

    • The market plunged 1000 points at the beginning of trading. This is another sign God is ready to punish America. The market ended 586 points. When will WE get right with Hod and do it HIS way and not OUR way? This is a little over 3 weeks until the Shemitah on September 13.

  3. I knew I should have sold a week ago but couldn’t get awake before stock mkt closed each day. Friends don’t put off knowing Jesus… He will come unaware just as the stock mkt feel suddenly. People pray for Salvation for yourself!

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