Washington State Wildfires Reach Historic Levels

Joel 2:30 "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke.

The Okanogan Complex of fires in Washington State is now the biggest wildfire in the state’s history.

The blaze grew 14,000 more acres on Tuesday bringing the fire to a total of 258,339 acres, or just over 403 square miles.  That is larger than all but 9 cities in the continental U.S.

The flames have killed three firefighters, wounded four others and more than 200 homes have been destroyed since the fire began August 15th. The fire is so intense that firefighters from around the world are being called and even California crews are being called off fires in that state to rush to fight the Okanogan blaze.

“We’ve had the opportunity to be on some large fires in California of this magnitude. We expect much of the same that we’re used to,” said Battalion Chief Mark Brunton, who is leading a crew of 44 firefighters. Brunton told NBC that they are ready to be there for the long haul.

The scene in the fire’s aftermath has been described as being “like a moonscape” with everything in the fire’s path destroyed.

The battle against the fire is being hampered by the fact supplies, equipment and manpower is running low.

“You can imagine how stretched thin everybody is,” said Dan Dallas, deputy incident commander of the Okanogan fire. “We’re all working without the resources that in a normal year — which I don’t think there is such a thing anymore — that we might have.”

National Guard troops are now being called in from neighboring states to help provide some relief to the overburdened fire crews.

2 thoughts on “Washington State Wildfires Reach Historic Levels

  1. I went to see David Wilkerson in Toronto Canada where he shared his vision of coming judgement that would involve Canada too. I purchased his book Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth. One of his prophecies was that there would be wildfires burning out of control in America, The Bible says that when a prophet’s words come true, that same prophet is speaking from God. Many of the prophecies that David spoke have already happened:record breaking snowstorms on the east coast, tornadoes and natural disasters, the homosexual movement becoming militant, pornography and X rated movies on television. He spoke these words 30 years ago and many have already happened and are happening now. We all need to be like the Macedonian jailer who seeing God’s sovereignty, feared and fell to his knees and asked the question “Sirs, what must I do to be saved!’. The answer is clear Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Everyone needs to be in the center of God’s will. It is the only place of safety. Things are changing fast but God never changes. He is the safe place in an increasingly unsafe world.

  2. Father, we pray for mercy for residents of Washington and firefighters in Jesus name. Unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish. Save, Lord God, heal, deliver; open blind eyes and set captives free! Let your people go forth now in these last of days, filled with the power of the Holy Ghost and the fire of the Holy Ghost to cast down imaginations – every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God and let it be done all for the glory of God in Jesus’ name! And let every other fire that is unprofitable be extinguished in Jesus’ name! Amen

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