What led to the Deadliest Attack on police officers since 9/11?

Dallas Police respond after shots were fired at a Black Lives Matter rally in downtown Dallas Dallas Police respond after shots were fired at a Black Lives Matter rally in downtown Dallas. Smiley N. Pool/The Dallas Morning News/Handout via REUTERS

By Kami Klein

What led to the ambush of Police officers and the death of five police officers who were standing guard during a peaceful protest in Dallas? What caused this tragedy? What will be the answer to these kinds of violent attacks? The factors are numerous and create a storm of emotion from all sides.  

Many woke this morning with news of another shooting, another ambush, more lives lost.  In the previous days we have read about and watched on video, Facebook and television the ugly pictures of police confrontations that have led to the shootings of black men by white officers.  Black Lives Matter protests were planned in cities all over the United States because of the deaths of Philando Castile from St. Paul, Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana.  But while all other protests were violence free, a deadly plot went into effect to cause the demise of white police officers.

This ambush of police officers ended with the shooting of 12 people, 5 police officers dead and 7 wounded.  In the words of Chief of Police, David Brown, from today’s press conference in Dallas,

“All I know is that this must stop, this divisiveness between our police and our citizens.”   

Chief Brown’s words  were not directed at white or black.  He happens to be a black police officer who began his statement speaking for law enforcement of every color and race. “We are hurting, our profession is hurting, Dallas officers are hurting.  We are heartbroken.”  

At approximately 9 p.m. Thursday night shots rang into the night, picking off police officers who were standing guard at a Black Lives Matter protest. The protesters had gathered after a Minnesota officer on Wednesday fatally shot Philando Castile, 32, at a traffic stop outside St. Paul. His girlfriend, Diamond “Lavish” Reynolds, and her 4-year-old daughter were in the car with him. Reynolds live streamed the aftermath on Facebook.

A day earlier, Alton Sterling was shot in Louisiana after being pinned to the pavement by two white officers. That, too, was captured on a cellphone video.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown said he and others in the police department participated in the planning of the rally and many protesters talked about how peaceful it was with police officers posing for and taking pictures with many of the protesters.  

According to Fox newsapproximately 60 rounds were fired that led to chaos in the streets as citizens and officers alike frantically looked for cover.

CNN issued a report from an eyewitness, Ismael Dejesus, who was in his downtown Dallas hotel room when he heard “popping sounds.” He went to the balcony to see what was going on.

At first he thought he was hearing fireworks but then he saw someone kill a police officer.  

Dejesus, who filmed parts of the chilling exchange, told CNN that he saw the suspect get out of a Chevy Tahoe SUV wearing tactical clothing.  He had a rifle, AR-15 with a large magazine, He went over to a pillar put a magazine in and started firing.  Dejesus said that the attack looks planned, prepared and that he knew just where to stand, with ammo ready.  

The shooter was seen standing by a white pillar spraying bullets to the left and right, which Dejesus believes was to bring the police closer to him.

‘”He was trying to get a commotion going, trying to get cops’ attention.”

When one officer attempted to engage the shooter one-on-one, he was killed by multiple shots fired at point blank range.

“It looked like an execution honestly. He stood over (the officer) after he was already down and shot him maybe three to four times in the back. It was very disturbing to watch.

“He shot without any fear. He didn’t care.”

The gunfire was followed by a standoff that lasted for hours in a parking garage of a local college, with a suspect who the Dallas police chief   said had told authorities “he was upset about the recent police shootings” and “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.” He was killed when police detonated a bomb robot.

The Associated Press identified the gunman as Micah Xavier Johnson, 25.

Reuters reported that Johnson was a member of the group “Black Panther Party Mississippi” on Facebook, which has over 200 members. Earlier this month he shared a video showing what he described as white people killing what looked like dolphins or whales.

The U.S. Army said Johnson had served as a private first class in the Army Reserve, made up of part-time soldiers, and was deployed to Afghanistan from November 2013 to July 2014. It said Johnson served from March 2009 to April 2015 and was a carpentry and masonry specialist with the 420th Engineering Brigade based in Texas.

The investigation will continue in Dallas on the shooting while the traditional debate on gun control begins.  Many sources report that after these kinds of mass shootings, gun sales surge and more Americans are buying fire arms than ever before.   

The Crime Prevention Research Center (CDRC)  an independent research and education organization has created studies over several years in which research backs a massive increase in background checks (one of the only ways to track the majority of new gun owners)  and applications for conceal and carry on firearms with all mass shootings. From these numbers, it seems that most American’s prefer to be armed and are finding the environment in the United States one in which they feel more secure in owning a gun.  

With racism still a factor in America,and the shortage of well qualified police officers whose numbers continue to dwindle, the political factions cannot seem to come together  on a plan of action.  Americans across the country are feeling a sense of helplessness,uncertainty and fear.

The understanding and answers will only come when we realize that it is not a question of whether you are black or white, a police officer or not, democrat, republican or independent;  ALL lives matter! 

As Chief Brown closed today’s press conference asking the world for prayer and consideration.

“Please join me in applauding these brave men and women who do this job under great scrutiny, under great vulnerability. Who literally risk their lives to protect our democracy. We don’t feel much support most days, let’s not make today most days. Please, we need your support to be able to protect you from men like these who carried out this tragic, tragic event. Pray for these families”

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