The Procedural Vote – Special Edition, Washington, D.C.

by Billye Brim | Oct 6, 2018

The Procedural Vote

Four of us left our hotel at 8 AM Friday morning and arrived early at the private entry door where we waited until 9 to get in.

Our special passes were issued by high-ranking Senators. Two of them, whose names are most-associated with these proceedings entered the room where 150 or so of us were gathered. They asked that we not record or take pictures. So—I will not reveal their names. But one of them said to us, “I believe in the power of prayer. Don’t pay so much attention to what is happening on the floor. But keep focused on prayer as you ask that the Lord’s will be done.”

Inside the Senate Gallery, there was decorum. No shouting. On both sides of the Gallery, people behaved with respect. The prayer on the Republican side where we sat was amazing. The people were amazing. We were instructed that we could not react to anything said on the floor. Nor could we react to the outcome of the vote. Everyone on both sides respected the place. The atmosphere was one of peace. Even before any speeches or any votes. I believe the powers of the air were bound and muted by the strong army of believers here in D.C. and there where you are. The Prayer Force all across America and even the world was in action.

The Mobs
The Prayer Force

I wasn’t going to give any “ink” to the mobs but I want you to see where the real power was—in the praying people. And this morning (Saturday, October 6,) I was reading in Acts and saw that the enemy’s M.O. has been operating in MOBS for centuries.

The rabble-rousers are not affecting things in the magnitude the media is portraying. Wherever they are, cameras are following them. The press is paying little or no attention to the many, many praying people who are here.

Max is here. He did not have a Gallery pass. He was praying in Grassley’s office on Friday with about 150 believers he said were from across America. He prayed closely with one family which consisted of a mother and her 15-year old son and his grandfather. The husband and father is overseas in the military serving our country. The family has a strong military heritage. They gave Max the shirt you see him wearing in the attached photograph.

When this family group decided to walk the halls praying, and wearing these t-shirts, the 15-year old said to Max, “Walk with me, Uncle.” The grandfather, the son, and Max followed the women in their little group. A scruffy looking man (Max’s description) walked up to the boy and hit him full force in the stomach. The young man fell to the ground in pain. The Capitol Police came up to arrest the man (and incidentally they want to be arrested). However, the mother said that she didn’t want to press charges and that they would pray for the man.

Greater Is He That Is In Us
Than he that is in the world.

On Thursday we met other praying people in Senator Grassley’s office when the mob decided to take over the halls. Hannah caught a video of the leader outside Grassley’s office door yelling that we didn’t have any black people inside (Facebook video – click here). She did not know that at that very moment, the Lord had anointed a young black woman inside to lead us in prayer. I was impressed by the Power of the Holy Spirit upon her as she led in a loud voice. Her words were those of Authority, Power, and Dominion. I was thrilled at who the Lord used so mightily to put to naught the accusatory words being shouted outside the door. The adversary knew what was happening inside and that he was defeated. (Instagram video – click here)

We are awaiting now (Saturday morning) word for when the vote will take place.

Again, the Lord is providing great Gallery seats for us. But as I said, wherever you are, we all meet at the Right Hand of the Father from where we operate.

Shalom and Blessings
Love in Him
Billye Brim

How will you respond when the pain comes? ~ Steve Strang

Jim and Lori Bakker and Steve Strang, founder of Charisma magazine


By Steve Strang

Pain is a part of life. The infilling of the Holy Spirit helps us deal with pain but is no guarantee Christians will be immune to our share of it. The question is not whether you will experience pain, but how you will respond when the pain comes.

It’s been said the heat that melts the butter hardens the clay. Too many Christians, I’ve observed in my six decades on Earth, melt at the slightest problem. They’ve been led to believe following Christ means a life of joy and fulfillment. That’s absolutely true, but the way that message has been preached, at least in America, has left some with an unhealthy expectation that the Lord only allows smooth sailing in our lives.

On top of this, an overemphasis on the so-called prosperity gospel based on a mistranslation of 1 John 3 that God wants you to prosper has caused many a shipwreck for Christians who bought into it without understanding being a Christian is more than living like you won the lottery.

Jim Bakker should know. He told me he got off base partly because of an overemphasis on the prosperity gospel. And he has experienced far more pain in his life than almost anyone I know. In this month’s cover story of Charisma magazine, I tell how Jim Bakker lost everything—his ministry, his reputation and his wife, and even his home burned to the ground. In addition, he lost his freedom and was in prison for almost five years. Despite it all, he has come back—in some ways stronger than ever.

Sometimes I will write an editorial about our cover story in Charisma. You can click here to read the digital version of that issue about Bakker, who I have covered since before the infamous “fall” in 1987. Here I share my own thoughts and conclusions on his life and I ask how you’ll respond when the inevitable crises in life cause you to despair.

You may never experience the depth of what Jim Bakker experienced. But all of us will experience loss, whether it’s the loss of a dream or a job or one’s health. Maybe it will be the loss of a marriage. And even if it’s not the loss of any other of these things, each of us will experience the loss of a loved one because no one can escape the inevitability of death.

We can all learn valuable life lessons from how Jim Bakker fell and how the Lord raised him up in this hour:

If Jim Bakker was haughty before the fall, he is humble today. What happened to him was unjust in my opinion. Maybe he couldn’t help being humiliated as he lost everything as the world press covered every twist and turn. Read how low he was when he came out of prison. Yet I’ve known others who were humiliated by lesser “scandals,” and they tried to justify themselves and remained prideful. Whatever your pain is, embrace humility and ask God what He is trying to teach you.

Learn something new. While Jim was in prison cleaning toilets, he took time to get a doctorate degree by correspondence. But more than that, he did an in-depth study of the words of Jesus and also the book of Revelation. It was unplanned and unwanted, but it was like a five-year sabbatical, and he took advantage of every moment to study Scripture. So if you are bedridden due to your health or out of work, what creative way can you spend the time learning something new or growing spiritually?

Realize the Lord may be preparing you for something you can’t anticipate. Most of us don’t change unless we go through a difficult time. If this is happening to you, realize God has a bigger plan and allow your trial to shape your character. In Jim Bakker’s case, it was becoming an expert on end times so he could help ready the body of Christ for whatever difficulties may be ahead. If PTL had continued to go and grow, would he have learned that? No. But look at the people he has been able to help. What is the equivalent of this in your life?

Finally, never give up. As long as there’s life, there’s hope. Nothing will continue as it is now—either very good or very bad. So you may feel overwhelmed, but that doesn’t mean the sun won’t rise tomorrow. Meanwhile, remember the words of Winston Churchill: “Never give up.”

One of the things I admire about Jim Bakker is that he didn’t give up. Instead, he started over, built a great organization and a great legacy, and served as an example for us all.

You can read my article on Jim and the entire November issue of Charisma by clicking here for the digital edition.

A few months ago, I interviewed Jim while I was on a visit to Morningside. I made it into a podcast which had the most downloads up to that time. Plus, I wrote about it in my newsletter which you can read here if you missed it. Take time to listen to the podcast again and to share it with others.

Bloomberg: Trump and Netanyahu Discuss Border Fence, Status of Jerusalem

By Ben Brody

Donald Trump “discussed at length Israel’s successful experience with a security fence that helped secure its borders” during a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that lasted longer than an hour, according to a statement from the Republican presidential nominee’s campaign.

Trump’s proposal to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico as way to confront illegal immigration has become a cornerstone of his campaign, although the statement did not say whether he drew direct parallels with Israel’s border fence, which is meant to combat terrorism.

The real estate investor also “acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People for over 3000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel,” his campaign said after Sunday’s meeting.

Read the full article at

Rabbi Johnathan Cahn, ‘America’s prophet’, calls out Obama, Supreme Court justices

One year after “The Harbinger” author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn warned that America was at a tipping point and that to defy God’s commandments and create “same-sex marriage” would be to “follow Baal and go to hell,” he returned to “Washington: A Man of Prayer” to ask the U.S. Supreme Court justices where they got the authority to overrule God.

“As ancient Israel turned away from her God and His ways, so, too, has America,” he thundered from the podium recently occupied by dozens of members of Congress who came to pray.

“The city on hill, founded for the purposes of God, drove God out of its government, out of its culture, out of its public square. It celebrated ungodliness and called evil good and good evil. It lifted up the most innocent and helpless of its inhabitants and slaughtered them on the altars of self-obsession.

“The last time we gathered, it was the day after the Supreme Court heard the case to decide the future of marriage,” he said. “Two months after we gathered here, America’s highest court struck down the order of God!

“It must be asked, this day, Supreme Court justices, where do you get the authority to overrule the rulings of the Most High? By what authority did you strike down the laws of the Almighty? … You are neither the highest court nor the final authority. There is a Supreme Justice that does not sleep forever.”

Read more of this article on WND’s Website


Joel Richardson: Watch Middle East, prepare for meltdown

In his best-selling book “Mideast Beast,” author and filmmaker Joel Richardson uses scriptures to back his argument that the antichrist is a Muslim who will emerge from the Middle East.

Needless to say, he views the region as a pretty important area for end-time prophecies.

Richardson recently visited Morningside to speak at the 2016 Prophetic Conference, and took some time to speak candidly with The Jim Bakker Show news team about the current situation in the Middle East, how it pertains to the Bible and what he’s watching for in the days ahead.

He also gave Christians some advice about how to prepare for the events he believes are coming, and how much time the world may have. The second part of his exclusive Q&A appears below.

Q: What do you see now in Syria and the Middle East as a whole? Because it’s not just Syria. There’s a conflict in Yemen. There’s Iran testing missiles. But in Syria especially, Russia just announced they would be pulling forces out of there. Do the Russians have an agenda, and how can that situation evolve in the coming days?

A: The last message I did when I was here was on Daniel 8, and I’m convinced that there is this merging Sunni-Shia war that’s going to happen that will, in all likelihood, be an Iranian invasion of Iraq and Syria. A full-blown military invasion, maybe with Russia helping, and that the chaos of the Middle East has only just begun. The scriptures are clear, there’s going to be a series of major regional wars, and then eventually it seems there’s this Western, perhaps a Turkish response. And then the question is ‘Is this going to be World War III? Are the United States and NATO going to get pulled in?’ We’re contractually, through treaty, obligated to Turkey.

So the main conflict right now, ultimately the two alpha dogs are Turkey and Iran. And in a larger sense, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, they’re all sort of siding — but they don’t like Turkey. So this kind of crazy, chaotic chessboard of the Middle East — I think that we’re going to see several years of some major, unfolding regional wars, which is only going to cause the refugee stuff to majorly explode and multiply 100 times. It’s just going to get really, really messy.

Q: So how do Americans, and not just Americans but Christians as a whole, react and prepare for what may be coming? Is it just being strong in our faith and sticking to the Gospel, or is there anything more that we can do?

A: We have to come to terms with the fact that the United States has been washed with this incredibly one-sided message, this prosperity Gospel. And the only way that we can make it through the days ahead without going nuts, whether it’s the United States, whether it’s the whole world, is to come to terms with the fact that it’s going to melt down.

Basically, what that means is we die. We embrace the cross and die. To all these dreams and demands of ‘Make America Great Again,’ ‘Fix the World’ — we have to come to terms with the fact that yeah, there will be ebbs and flows and stuff like that, but the bottom line is these things must happen. The chaos, the breakdown, the destruction of things that we love — including our own lives.

Once we fully fix our hope in the age to come, then when the world melts down around us, we have an anchor of hope — firm and secure — but it’s in the age to come. If our hope is fixed in this age, making America great again or whatever it might be, we’re going to be incredibly filled with rage. Because it’s not going to work out.

I’m not saying there’s not going to be a little upswing. I don’t know. I don’t see all of the valleys between here and there. But I know that before He returns, it takes a massive nosedive. And even those that believe all these things, we still somehow think we can avoid it. And really, it’s an issue of embracing the cross and dying to this world.

Once you die to this world, then when the world collapses, you’re like ‘I’ve already let it go.’ That’s a really hard thing to do. You have kids and things. I love my country and I’m a patriot, but ultimately — even this election cycle — once we come to terms with the fact that no (candidate) is coming to save us, then the term the blessed hope has much more substance. It has a lot more meaning.

Q: What you’re saying is not an easy thing to get people to do.

A: No. Selling a book, ‘Your Dead Life Now,’ that doesn’t really sell big. ‘Embrace the Cross and Die’ — ‘Ooh, I need to get that one!’ My next film though, that’s coming out in a few weeks, and this is the culmination of this project, it ends with a call to embrace the theology of martyrdom. And being willing to say yes.

Q: And taking a stand for Christ?

A: Look, ISIS has recruited 30,000 kids from all over the world. Most of them burnt their passports, left everything behind. They’re not preaching a secret, friendly message. We’re doing everything we can to make church more fun. … We’re doing everything we can to try to recruit the youth and we’re losing them. As a nation, by and large, I think it’s something crazy now like three out of every four kids that grow up in church move on. They’ve recruited 30,000. We have not recruited 1 percent of what they’ve recruited as missionaries to go to the Middle East. We need to, I think, get back to preaching the Gospel of the early church, which is lay down your life and die. I think the youth will actually resonate with that if they see people actually doing it. And going ‘Oh, so authentic Christianity? Yeah, let’s give it a try. Because nothing else is working.’

Q: The last time you were here, you were talking about the antichrist. You’ve got books about that too. I was wondering if you could get into that a little bit more, but what I really want to get into is the Bible gives us a timeline. All these seals that break and trumpets that sound. Where are we on that Biblical timeline today?

A: Not yet. We’re not in the seven years yet. I think there are a few things that need to unfold before that. … We’re not in the final seven years yet. The first 3-½ years are marked by seeming relative period of somewhat stability — there’s the birth pains, and then it’s in the middle where the contractions start. And that’s when persecution breaks out globally. Antichrist. There’s a profound spiritual event that happens when Satan is cast out of Heaven down to Earth. That happens at the midpoint. A lot of people think Satan has already been cast out of heaven. He has access in heaven. He is the one who accuses us before the throne day and night. That doesn’t stop until the midpoint of the final seven years.

Here’s the thing: In terms of timing, I don’t have clarity exactly on the timing, but there are multiple timing indicators that say within the next 20 years or so, that we’re running out of time. We have arguably 50 years of oil left. People say, ‘Well, maybe we’ll find more reserves.’ But we can’t access it easily. It ends up becoming more cost-prohibitive. So it’s there, but can we get it?

Everything that exists, look out. Every car tire is eight gallons of oil to make. Every motor, every part in that car takes copious amounts of oil. Everything. Every piece of plastic. All of the food, to grow these potatoes, oil moving these massive machines. Everything. The fertilizer that we use on almost everything is petroleum-based. The amount of petroleum that we’re using is just skyrocketing. The conservatives would say ‘Oh, we’re just going to come up with something new by then because we’re innovators and that’s what Capitalism does.’ Well, nobody really knows what that’s going to be yet. So we’re banking on the fact that humanity can exist beyond this.

There are a lot of brick walls that are just down the road. … There are multiple trends merging at the same time that say it could be very, very soon — within the next several years — but I really don’t see it going past 25 years, and that’s before we are in the seven years and he’s on the ground. We’re definitely coming up to the culmination. Even if you just throw the Bible out the door and just analyze it from a pure environmental (standpoint), any number of things.

Q: What do we need to be looking for? You’re suggesting, possibly, that there’s more time than maybe some other people might think. But no one really knows.

A: To me, the main sign that I’m looking at right now, the passage that I’m looking at is Daniel 8. And that would be an Iranian invasion of the Middle East. I’m considering that as the next major event. Then, if there’s a major Western response, then that really is the countdown. Because if that begins to unfold, as the prophecy goes, you have the two-horned ram followed by the single-horned goat, the prominent horn on the goat is broken off, this thing is broken up into four and out comes the antichrist. That’s the pattern.

And Gabriel says three times to Daniel, he says ‘Listen Daniel, the vision concerns the time of the end.’ … He states it three times, very clearly. So here is, in a sense, the signpost, the roadmap to the rise of the antichrist. But Biblically, the next major event is the confirmation or the strengthening of the covenant for seven years. Some people will try to remove that and say ‘Oh, that’s all based on one verse in Daniel’ — No, there clearly is a seven-year period. There’s a seven-year agreement, a covenant, a treaty of some kind — and then it’s 3-½ years into that.

I’m pre-wrath, so I would say then in that three-year period, somewhere in there, is the return of Christ. We don’t know exactly when it is. That’s the rapture. But the return of Christ is a complex event. He doesn’t just come back and snap his fingers and whoosh, everything is new. He actually comes back and conquers.


In the first part of this Q&A, Richardson spoke about the global refugee crisis, his ministry work overseas and the responsibility he feels Christians have to minister the Gospel during this time.

Richardson’s Prophetic Conference evening service centered on Biblical prophecies concerning Israel in the last days. If you missed it, you can watch it on the 2016 Prophetic Conference DVD Set that also contains messages from Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Michael Snyder and Hubie Synn.

Hubie Synn’s inspirational evening service hits home for Morningside family

Morningside’s 2016 Prophetic Conference came to an end on Friday evening, but the grand finale was fresh in the mind of several members of the Morningside family on Tuesday morning.

In fact, they will probably never forget it.

The four-day conference concluded with an evening service from Hubie Synn, who wrapped his address up by delivering personalized messages from God to those gathered in the audience.

In true Synn fashion, he wandered through the tables, chairs and people dotting Grace Street, stopping whenever God told him to deliver information to a specific individual.

Alyssa Lamb was one of the first people Synn approached.

“God wants you to know that he’s kind of whisked you out of where you were to bring you here,” Synn began telling the young woman, who was seated at a table near the stage. “And the reason He’s done that it because, where you were, it wasn’t edifying and gratifying to you. He wants you to know that you’ve tried to understand Him — fully — and it was difficult where you were.”

There’s no doubt in Lamb’s mind that those were God’s words, and He used Synn as a vessel.

“I know God speaks through that man, because he spoke to my mom last time too — and it was completely accurate,” Lamb said. “I know that’s what God was saying to him to tell me.”

Several other Morningside residents and employees gave similar accounts in interviews Monday and Tuesday. They might have heard Synn’s voice, but they believe the words were from God.

Harmony Hayes and Caleb Gordon, the vocalists for the Morningside Band & Singers, said Synn delivered prophetic messages about their relationship during his prior visits to the ministry.

Each of them came to pass.

“If I was to go back and ask him ‘What did you say to me?’ There’s no way he could tell me,” Hayes said. “He doesn’t remember, because it’s truly God speaking through him. He doesn’t remember. And that’s one thing I think is amazing — how God can speak through someone just as clear as day and they don’t even know themselves what they said to you.”

For Hayes, Gordon, Lamb and many others who Synn touches, the messages are unforgettable. The trio found them to be shockingly appropriate to their own lives, and exceptionally moving.

The way she tells her life story, Lamb was a 16-year-old who had her entire life planned out for her in Texas. She was involved with her megachurch’s music scene, leading the youth worship team and training to one day do the main service in front “thousands and thousands” of people.

In October 2014, her mother decided it would be a good idea for three of her teenage children — Lamb included — to attend The Ramp’s youth worship conference at Morningside, hoping it would give them a deeper bond with Jesus. Once they arrived, news broke that an urgent care clinic about 10 minutes away from their home was treating an Ebola patient. Lamb’s mother didn’t feel safe returning home as planned, so she extended her family’s stay for a few days.

“We never left,” Lamb said.

Now 18 years old, Lamb looks back on it and is grateful things worked out the way they did.

She has improved her relationship with God and His word and now knows that God has called her to be an intercessor. And because of the experiences, Lamb believes she is now better prepared for whatever plans God has for her life.

Hearing Synn’s words helped Lamb understand why God placed her in the position He did.

“When He brought me out of (Texas), He had to get me away from distractions and away from planning my own life, so I could let Him plan it,” Lamb said. “Not that He wouldn’t want me to lead worship — God isn’t like that — but He wanted to take me away so that He could refine me and He could make me exactly who He wants me to be. I’ve found that I love myself more. I love Jesus more. I spend more time with Jesus. I spend more time in His Word. I’ve gotten so close to him. He’s basically brought me here so He could capture my heart again, and He did.”

Gordon and Hayes, the vocalists, are good friends with Synn and called him shortly after they got engaged last month. The two have been praying about the next steps in their relationship, careers and lives. They were surprised when Synn had new, fitting messages for them Friday.

Among them: They should not limit themselves or fret about their wedding or future. The messages inspired Gordon to take steps toward taking out a loan to build a home for the couple.

“He said ‘God has built you up for the responsibility. You have a lot to take on. You have a fiancee you have to take care of. You’re head of the household,’” Gordon recalled. “But he said he’s seen a lot of people in my circumstances be worried, and God still takes care of it. He said ‘That’s what I want you to lean on. Lean on to God and have faith and know this is not hard for God.”

Gordon and Hayes said Synn’s messages confirmed things they had already heard from God.

“Sometimes you hear (God’s) voice, but you wonder ‘Is it me? Is it something that I want?’” Hayes said. “But when someone else can come in who knows nothing about you and God had a personal conversation about and can confirm the things and say ‘Yes, this is what God is saying.’ … To watch that happen in other people’s lives — that breakthrough and that relief that you see on their face is amazing. I’m honored to be able to experience that type of thing with people.”

Lamb said the service moved her to tears, and she wasn’t the only one.

“I remember seeing this one lady, I just looked over and when Hubie said that He had a word for her, she’s like ‘Me? God has something for me?’ And she just started crying and we could tell how genuine and how sweet (it was),” Lamb recalled. “Jesus just wanted to capture her heart and say ‘I have something for you.’”

Morningside School of Media student Austin Metcalf was photographing the event when Synn called him in front of the audience and began ministering to him. Metcalf said the message washed away virtually all of the uncertainties and tensions he was experiencing in recent days.

“He said a few things about certain things I was dealing with throughout the past week and it really answered some of the things I had been having trouble with,” Metcalf said. “Also, he talked about my creativity and how that was going to grow and how God was working through my life — even though I didn’t think He was. It really made me feel a lot better about myself and what I was doing.”

Synn’s inspirational service focused on the importance of being prepared for tumultuous events, and the story of how God used him to deliver a prophetic message to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn.

The service can be seen on the Prophetic Week DVD Set. The set also contains evening services from Rabbi Cahn, Joel Richardson and Michael Snyder along with all of The Jim Bakker Show tapings that were recorded during the 2016 Prophetic Conference.

Michael Snyder hopes new PTL Television Network show will inspire people in last days

In the past 10 years, Michael Snyder has risen from relative anonymity to economic authority.

He was an unheralded lawyer living in Washington who felt that God had more in store for him, so he started “The Economic Collapse Blog” and began writing about the economy and current events. He believes God has blessed his writing and allowed the blog to continue growing, and says it now receives more than 1 million pageviews a month. He’s become a regular guest on The Jim Bakker Show for all things economy, and frequently weighs in on current financial events.

Beginning today, however, our viewers have the chance to hear a lot more of Snyder’s keen analysis. He and his wife, Meranda, have launched a new show on The PTL Television Network.

“The Watch: With Michael and Meranda Snyder” will focus on Biblical prophecies and living in the last days, with a markedly more spiritual tone than his blog. Don’t worry, though. Snyder still expects to deliver the same news and analysis that people have come to expect from him.

Snyder recently sat down with The Jim Bakker Show news team to discuss his goals for the show, how it all came together and the importance of faith and hope in the end times.

The first part of his Q&A appears below.

Q: You and your wife have a new show on the PTL Television Network. Can you talk about how that came together and what you have planned for your viewers?

A: Yeah, it’s called “The Watch: With Michael and Meranda Snyder.” For a long time, my wife and I had been wanting to do some more with video. I’d made some YouTube videos years ago, which actually got a lot of views, but I kind of got away from it because I’m so focused on our websites and what we’re doing. I’ve been writing a new book, which is coming out very shortly. But it had been on our heart to do something more with video because you can reach so many people through video. We just kind of let it sit because we were so busy.

But then, Pastor Jim (Bakker) was really fired up about the idea of getting us on PTL Network and my information. I thought that was a really good idea and I was so honored that he wanted to do that, and I immediately thought I should get my wife involved in this. We have these great discussions all the time, why not share them with the world? And we’re doing this new show.

It’s going to be a lot more focused on Bible prophecy and the last days and things like that. Now, it’s still going to be very heavy news and information — the kind of stuff that people are used to getting on “The Economic Collapse Blog” and our other websites. It’s going to be more directly focused toward a Christian audience and more directly on spiritual things. And it’s going to be a way for us to speak directly and communicate directly to the people. I think this is such a critical time, as I believe that things are going to start moving a lot more rapidly as this year moves along and moving forward. This will be a way to have a voice to speak to people.

We’ve got kind of two halves to our message. One is a warning about what’s coming. To be a watchman on the wall and to tell people this is what we’re moving into. But, also, a message of hope. Because when things go crazy, people are going to be freaking out. They’re going to be giving into depression, despair. Some people are going to be angry and upset. But people are going to be looking for a rock in the storm. We want to deliver a message of hope. That people can get through what’s coming, that there is hope, that God is in control, He has a plan, and for people to understand what God is doing even in the midst of this.

My wife and I believe the greatest chapters of our lives are still ahead of us. We believe the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen is coming. The greatest move of God. And that God is going to do some absolutely unprecedented things. But we don’t believe that is necessarily going to be through man-made organizations. In fact, we think much of the institutional churches are in great danger of missing what God is going to be doing in these last days. Because they’re not proclaiming the warning message. They don’t want to hear about what’s coming. They don’t want to upset people. They don’t want to offend people. The watered-down, lukewarm religion that we call evangelical Christianity — that’s not going to make it in the times that are coming.

God is raising up a remnant. Yeah, there are some churches that are doing a great job. But, to a large degree, it’s happening outside of the institutional church. You’ve got home groups, you’ve got little fellowships here and there. You’ve got people scattered around the country. And God is doing extraordinary things, but it’s not within the confines of the denominations or organizations that man has created. And that’s a shame. I hope that they’ll wake up and be part of what God is moving, but like so many times throughout history, a lot of times tradition sets in, man-made religion sets in and God has to kind of do an end run around that. And it appears that’s what is happening now.

Q: The tagline on your blog is “Are you prepared for the coming economic collapse and the next Great Depression?” Obviously, there are some Bible verses that suggest economic troubles in the last days. For example, wheat gets very expensive. Are there any specific other scriptures that indicate, to you, that an economic collapse is an element of the last days? Any that really stick with you?

A: You mention the seals in Revelation where the food becomes so expensive, that’s reference to it there. But I actually believe, and this is a little different than some people, but I believe that America is going to fall before we even get to the Great Tribulation.

What’s coming to America, economic collapse is only a part of it. Now, “The Economic Collapse Blog” focuses a lot on the economic aspect of things, but in addition to economic collapse I believe that we’re going to see governmental shakings, civil unrest. Basically, society melting down. I believe at the same time, (we will see) natural disasters on a level that we haven’t seen since the days of Noah and plagues and outbreaks. Basically, so many things coming at us from hundreds of different directions.

It’s kind of what John Paul Jackson described when he described the perfect storm. I believe we’re coming to those days, and ultimately war is coming to America. And I believe America is going to fall, and that will set the stage for the rise of the 10-horned, one-world government and subsequently the antichrist to come on the scene. So, that’s a different perspective than a lot of people.

In my opinion, we’re going to be here a little bit longer than a lot of people believe. So this economic collapse, which has been happening for a long time — it’s not just something that’s future, but it has been happening, it’s happening right now, it continues to happen — is one element of this perfect storm that is arising.

Now, in terms of the fall of the United States and economic problems and all of these things I’ve described, there are dozens of men and women of God all over the United States — all over the world — that have seen these things coming to America in the last days. I believe God still speaks. Of course, there are false prophets out there, people who are just loosey-goosey, but there are also men and women of God who have track records, who have solid, who are proven. And when so many of them say the exact same thing, it’s not just one or two but you’ve got a multitude of voices all saying ‘This is coming to America.’ This is something I’ve studied over time. I’m a lawyer, I want to look at these things and study them in a systematic way. And when they all say that this is coming to America, well, economic collapse is one of those things that they have been given by God. That’s something that I take very seriously.

Now, when you look at the scripture, many Bible prophecy experts will agree that ‘Well, it looks like America is not the dominant player on the scene down the road.’ Because we’ve got the one-world government. We’ve got the antichrist. So something has to shift. Something has to change. Now, some people believe a U.S. president will be the antichrist or that America will be a big part of this one-world government. I take a differing view, based on the totality of what I’ve learned and researched and what these men and women of God have received over the years.

I believe America is going to completely fall, and it’s going to be dramatic. I believe the judgment of God has actually started, actually, but it’s going to get much, much worse. And what’s coming to America is going to be even worse than what most people imagine the great tribulation will be like. But it won’t be the tribulation.

Now, a lot of people will be saying it’s the tribulation. It will become very trendy to say ‘The tribulation has started!’ But, no, it won’t have started. It’s just the fall of America. And it’s going to be horrible. But after that comes the tribulation, I believe. So my perspective is a little bit different.

Q: You say that you want your new show to give people hope, and that God has a plan in the midst of all of these horrible things you feel will be happening. But it can be easy for people to get hung up on the idea of horrible things happening and lose hope. So, what do you say to those people, in order to give them that hope?

A: It is a challenge. But I felt, especially with my new book, God was saying ‘I want you to inspire people.’ I was like ‘Inspire them? I’m telling them that they’re going to have to go through the tribulation.’ Because not only do we have to go through the judgment on America, but then we’re going through the tribulation?

But in the midst of all the chaos and darkness, yeah, people are living for the pleasures of this world. Accumulating things, money, all these things, the standard of living we enjoy today. It’s going to be very traumatic for them. But if they’re living for the kingdom, if they’re living for winning souls, if they’re living for things that are eternal, the things that God says really matter? Well, the times ahead can be the greatest adventure that anyone ever dreamed.

Like I said, I believe we’re going to see the greatest harvest of souls the church has ever seen. So, in terms of bringing people into the kingdom. Because when the shaking comes, the purpose of the shaking is to turn people to God. And I believe that’s going to happen, tremendously.

So, if people want to live during the time of the Apostles, they want to bring in the multitudes and see the power of the Holy Spirit, signs, wonders, miracles, all of it, we’re truly going to be living in Biblical times. We look back through history and the greatest heroes that we admire rose during times of great crisis. It will be an opportunity for heroes to arise, to do great exploits, to do amazing things for God and truly love others, take care of others. To make a difference.

So many people may not feel like their daily lives are making a difference today. There’s going to be such (an opportunity) to make a difference. To stand up and to be the people that God created us to be.

I believe we’re going to write the end of the Book of Acts. We’re going to be the generation that finally gets things right, and we’re going to go through all these things that are written about in the Book of Revelation. And God’s going to make us into the kind of bride that his son deserves.

It’s going to be a very challenging time to be alive, but incredibly exciting too — if you value the things that are eternal and are in the kingdom of God.


Check back for Part 2 of this exclusive Q&A in the coming days. Snyder talks about the stock market, oil prices and recent economic events — and what they mean for you and your family.

Snyder also delivered the evening service at the 2016 Prophetic Conference on Thursday evening, and focused on the remnant he discussed in the Q&A. If you missed the event, it’s available on the 2016 Prophetic Conference DVD Set. The set also contains evening services delivered by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Joel Richardson and Hubie Synn, as well as all of The Jim Bakker Show tapings that were recorded during the conference.