The Answer to Depression

One of the words the Lord gave to Jim for 2012 is “depression.”  There are so many people depressed in today’s world and the world doesn’t have the answers, only God does.  When you look at the way the world is going, it’s hard not to be depressed.  The economy is in turmoil, the governments of the world are fighting each other, everywhere you turn there is confusion… just like Jim says.

People run to and fro trying to get relief from depression.  They run to doctors (and sometimes doctors can help), they run to psychiatrists (some of those can help as well), and then  sometimes people run to anything else that will give even temporary relief like sex, drugs or partying.  The trouble with the latter is that it just compounds the problem of depression.

So, what are we to do about depression?  How are we, as Christians, supposed to deal with it when we are attacked in our minds with depressive thoughts?

Depression is a complicated issue with many root causes. I’m not going to try to deal with all of the reasons people may feel depressed because there is a wide range of issues that may contribute.  But, instead, I’m going to share with you what worked for me and many others.

There is one sure way to lessen, or completely get rid of depression that is so simple, it’s hard to receive.  Depressive issues often focus internally:  what are they saying about ME, why did this happen to ME, how will this affect ME, when am I ever going to be happy, when will I ever be loved like I want to be loved, how can I pay my bills… ME, ME, ME, I, I, I!

Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive.  When you give to others, you often find your focus is taken off of you and your problems, and your healing begins.

You want to get rid of depression?  Try finding someone to HELP!  Try giving away what YOU need!  Lend a hand, give a hug, encourage someone!  Volunteer at your church, babysit for someone, read the Bible to someone who can’t read or can’t see… FIND SOMEONE TO HELP!

As you get out of yourself and reach out to help others, your depression will ease and you will begin to understand a great mystery – that it is more blessed to give than to receive!

8 thoughts on “The Answer to Depression

  1. Depression is a painful, invisible illness, sometimes there are no answers to it and it can be a chemical imbalance in the body. There should not be any shame in being depressed, but instead those who feel this need LOVE and compassion.Any of us can be depressed at any time. I have found as you said Lori that giving does help. It may not solve our problem, but it gives our minds the break it needs to regroup and see things from a different perspective much like talking to someone we trust. God can take the pain of one’s depression and use it as His tool to help someone else… many times we can comfort those in affliction if we have also been in that affliction, whether it is depression or a bad marriage or a physical health problem. God Bless You for the work you and Jim are doing and for being faithful to the call of God on your life, you are a blessing to so many including me.

    • Good post Myrtle, I would also like to add, David encouraged himself in the Lord. So evidently the great Warrior King had days where he sought encouragement in the Lord. Perhaps singing him praises, or just dwelling on his goodness. I know if I am going through a trying time and I start to feel a little down. I lay down with the scriptures pouring out on the cd. I make myself focus and concentrate on the Living Word of God. Bless you sister, there is no shame as you said in being depressed. But the good news, we don’t have to stay there. Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report, think on these things.

  2. Hi Lori. I certainly agree with you that giving of yourself to others can be a very useful tool in fighting depression. I’m also glad you mentioned doctors, counselors and medication because those have also been beneficial in helping me in my fight.

    I used to volunteer all the time and give of myself and I actually found myself getting more depressed from it many times because I would continually ask when I would get some help like I was giving to others. It was great to give and I loved the chance to be God’s hands and feet but then I would get home and the high of serving vanished amid the trials in my life.

    Since my doctor put me on an anti-depressant, I’m seeing a whole new world. I’ve continued to volunteer and now I don’t get the “post-volunteering” dip in mood. I’m better able to evaluate situations and respond. I’m also hearing God more clearly and better able to see the little things He does in my daily life.

  3. This article is so true,and I can say so because of my own battle with depression. When you “get out of yourself” and help others, God blesses you with joy and healing.

    My sisters & I are all on anti-depressants. I would say in reflection my parents were depressed, but did the best they could raising my a family of 5 children. I was raised in co-dependent home where my Dad was bi-polar and an alcoholic. He also was in prison for child molestation. His Mom beat him, and she was mentally ill herself(she did accept Jesus later in life). My Mom was his enabler and had food addiction. Both my parents are deceased now and I believe in Heaven.

    My Mom accepted the Lord over the phone and on her death bed let me knew she was going to Heaven. She was raised Christian, but we did not attend church as a family. The last night with her as a family, being the oldest, I left last. The last thing I said to her was to “say hello to Jesus for me” and she nodded yes. The next morning she passed away while my family & I were with her. We believe she was sexually abused growing up, and missed the joy of a Dad who passed away when she was a child.

    I also was sexually abused in my youth and on a date rape (I accept responsibility of my part) got pregnant, then had an abortion. I am now 56, and know I will see my child in Heaven.

    My life could of been much worse, so many people have had tragic upbringings! I knew God as a child going to Pentecostal churches with the neighbors. He protected me in my times of letting go of His Hand. What a God of love and mercy!

    I still battle with thoughts of low self esteem and depression, but I know who to turn to–the unconditional of Jesus!!!

    Thank you Pastor Jim & Lori for all you are doing! Sometimes we wish we could move there and be a part of your growing ministry. I am going to sign up to be monthly partners right now. Someday we need to visit–looks beautiful there, too!

    Words cannot express my gratitude for your ministry! Even my husband watches, and he only watches one other Christian program.

    To God be the Glory! Love you both! Many crowns are due you both!


    • Gail, the people who hurt you in your past do not define who you are. We are not what they said about us. We are what the Word of God says. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We are more than conquerors. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. God gives us the ability to forgive unforgiveable things. It does not mean what they did was right. One day our Great God will wipe away our tears and the former things will be remmembered no more. My heart goes out to you and yours. The cross gets heavy at times, some carry crosses heavier than others. I read where someone said, that those who have suffered much in this life will have a greater reward in heaven. I don’t know if that is true or not, but if it is, many unknowns, not public figures, not famous but known by God will have a great reward in heaven.

  4. Dear Lori, the answer to depression is the
    The All Powerful Sovereign Lord Creator Maker of the Universe
    The giver and taker of life
    The Lord of the Day of Judgment Matthew 10:28
    The Holy Bible says:
    “Should you not fear me?” declares the Lord. “Should you not tremble and shake in my presence?” Jeremiah 5:22
    GOD has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified me. Job 23:13-16.
    Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world fear GOD the Creator of the Universe. Psalm 33:8
    Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11
    Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Psalm 34:11
    Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11
    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, learning and education, but fools despise GOD’s wisdom, direction and discipline. Proverbs 1:7
    Those who fear the Lord are secure; GOD will be a place of safe refuge for their children. Proverbs 14:26
    Fear of the Lord is a life-giving fountain of pure water; it offers escape from the snares of death. Proverbs 14:27
    Humility and fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life. Proverbs 22:4
    Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear GOD and keep the commandments, this is the whole duty of every man, woman and child. Ecclesiastes 12:13
    Let those who fear the LORD say: “GOD’s love endures forever”. Psalm 118:4
    The LORD delights in those who fear GOD, who put all their future hope in GOD’s love.
    Psalm 147:11
    Pray FEAR of GOD.
    Thank God we Fear The Lord.
    Thank YOU Thank YOU Thank YOU

  5. Joyce Myers is a great example of one who continually gives. She used what the devil meant as harm to help a multitude of women who could relate to sexual abuse. Rape victums often turn their tragedy into triumph by helping other rape victums. Adult survivors of child abuse very often turn it around and help abused children. Then there are angels in the flesh like you Lori, who are helping those who thought they had no choice but to abort their babies. God gives us each a gift to use for his glory. Instead of asking him why did I have to go through all of this. Perhaps you are right, take what the devil meant to destroy you with and turn it around. Be a blessing. When you use tragedy for triumph then it helps make sense of some of the heartache we may have faced in life. I couldn’t understand why God allowed me to go through some of the things I went through in life. I cried out for an answer to understand it all. Is this my cross, I cried out. I was only a child. How could it be my cross. I was just a child. No answer seemed to come. Then I made up my mind, if this is my cross, and a cross is not pleasant to bear. Then I will pick it up gladly and carry it.

  6. Lori, This is my first time to reply to a blog and I am feeling so honored to have the privilege to talk to you. I have gone through some tough times with my husband and my ‘3’ daughters who have suffered varied degrees of depression. My husband and one daughter have even attempted suicide. But God’s grace has helped them not to succeed. So I totally agree that giving of ourselves can get our minds off one’s self and make a good reason to ‘enjoy’ life in lieu of dreading it.
    God bless you and Jim as you continue to serve our God-Jehovah and Jesus Christ- His Son. Please pray for my family as my middle daughter has been missing since April of 2010- she’s the one who attempted suicide. “Thankyou” for your prayers.

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