When People Get Hungry

This may be the most important blog I’ve ever written.  It’s been weighing heavy on my heart recently about why people should store food and water.  It’s more than just about not going hungry, which pulls on the heartstrings.  None of us want our families to go hungry.  Most of us would do just about anything to keep our loved ones alive – to keep them from starving to death in a famine.  Wouldn’t we?

But what are you willing to do to keep them from taking the “mark” and entering an Antichrist system which will eventually mean the loss of not only their lives, but their souls as well? …because that’s what it will come down to.

Are we thinking that in this country, we are going to be exempt from Matthew 24 – or that the Four Horses won’t gallop in our own backyard?  How is it that we’ve been lulled to sleep and reassured by our Laodicean leaders?

The Times that are coming are not just about lack of food.  The Times that are coming are going to be like none other ever before, when everything you need to survive is not available unless you are in the ‘system’, i.e. you have received the Antichrist’s mark.

Food, medications and medical care, housing, compensations, etc. – all of what we know as our current way of living could be used to force us to become involved in an Antichrist system unless we are prepared – that is, as prepared as we can possibly be.

There are going to be many methods by which the Antichrist will force his mark upon people.  There is no Christian that I know who wants this mark, but will you take it if it means your family will have food?  Will those you love be forced to take it to feed or shelter their families and care for their medical needs?

When someone you love says to you, “I don’t know what else to do – I guess I will have to take the mark in order to feed my family,”  wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could tell them “you don’t have to do that, I have food for you!”

We do what we do because we believe with all our hearts that there are Times of Trouble coming – we will be here on this earth for at least part of that trouble – and if we are not prepared, some will succumb to those troubles and do whatever they have to do to survive including taking the Antichrist’s mark.

Let me be clear that this ‘mark’ is not well defined yet, and we are not attempting to define it.  We are simply saying that you and your loved ones should not be forced into anything that doesn’t seem right to you – and the way to keep from it, is to be prepared.

Jim and I teach preparation and living healthy because  that means you may be able help yourself and others to withstand a famine or some natural disaster (or combination of natural disasters) without becoming dependent on others, i.e. having to sign up with an Antichrist system.

That’s wisdom – I don’t care how you slice it.

8 thoughts on “When People Get Hungry

  1. I think it is every Christians responsibility to help other people and who we can. I heard someone say one day if something happen they wouldn’t help anyone, I said I think you need to listen to what you are saying. If a lost person came to you hungry could you really turn them away. It might be the one person you win to the Lord, if you didn’t help them and tell them about what Jesus, and what it means to be a child of the King, and you let them go down the road and die of starvation, or take the mark. Or whatever the case may be, and die lost wouldn’t you feel like you were responsible for not witnessing to this person. I think we are getting our warning to prepare not only in food and water, but stay close to God, keep your life clean as you can, repent of our sins and try to get people to come to the Lord before it is to late. He is our only hope, and Heaven is our goal. God Bless! Lori keep up the great work!

  2. People, You better wise up to what is being spoken here. The bible plainly says that we will see tribulation the likes the world has never seen. The Church system wants people to believe that they will be caught away to watch this from the bleachers. Gold must be refined by fire. Jesus wants to see who can endure till the end. He himself wondered if He would find faith when He returns. Get Prepared, yes He will provide, and He has. Its called a warning, Just as in the days of Noah! sound familar, drinking and partying, not prepared! And when that door shut, it was over. Come on foolish Virgins PREPARE! The oil was the Spirit, get some! Along with everything else to survive till He comes for ALL to see!!!

  3. Lori, I have heard you say on more than one occasion that if you did not have food, you would take the mark to feed your children. I think many christians throughtout history as evidenced by books written about them have proved that God’s grace was sufficient to overcome temptation to deny Christ. I really believe your faith would sutain you and you would be given grace to do what you have to do to proclaim your faith even if it meant death as so many have done in the past and are indeed doing even today. More people are being martyred today than ever before. I think they love life just as we do but they love Jesus more and cannot deny Him for food or livelihood for their families. I feel you do the Body of Christ an injustice to infer that without food we would deny Christ for a temporary “fix” in this life. I believe we should be prepared with food and water and other needs but we may be separated from that source and still suffer even though we are prepared physically. We must be prepared to even die for Christ if necessary. I’m thankful for Jim’s information and warnings to be prepared and pray that you both be blessed for your sacrifial efforts for the Body of Christ. Keep encouraging people to “get ready”. It is admirable what you and Jim are doing. I thank God for you and especially the work for Lori’s House. LET’S SAVE BABIES!

    • Dear Sylvia,

      I totally agree that all of us should be ready to die for Christ. And I pray for the grace of God for myself and others to sustain us if we are faced with that decision, because it will take supernaturaI strength. I don’t want to have to make it if I don’t have to, and I don’t want anyone else to either. We love you all.



  4. I was reading in Hebrews chapter 11. What some of the early Christians went through. They had trial of cruel mockings, scourgings,
    bonds and imprisonment. They were stoned, sawn asunder, tempted, slain with sword. Wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, afflicted, tormented. Of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts, in mountains and dens and caves of the earth. These were Christians, God well could have delivered them.
    Yet they suffered. There are many Godly Christians in 3rd world countries suffering terribly with hunger at this time. Alsoin the 11th chapter of Acts, Agabus, signified through the Spirit that there should be great dearth throughout the world which came to pass in the days of Claudious Ceasar. In other words some suffered terribly, and the Spirit spoke through Agabus to warn of the dearth coming. Why would the Spirit warn, perhaps to prepare. I have read in scripture what has been will be. Perhaps we need to have an ear to hear what the true prophets are speaking. Get ready, get ready, get ready

  5. I have always been taught that we will not have to go threw the famine time, or go hungray in anyway,that GOD will come get us before that happens, i know there are lots of people that don’t have food now but i as a Christian beleive that God ALWAYS provides for his people, i have never seen one of GODS people go without yet. There is always a way, and we as Christians should help every Christian out there that is going threw hard times. we all have mountains to climb and valley to wade through, and giants to fight, but we have such little faith, but GOD ALWAYS comes through. May GOD Bless each and every one.

  6. Wisdom is listening to what God wants us to do, then doing it, and He wants us to prepare for rough times ahead..yes we are in rough times, but compared to what is coming these are the training ground for the days ahead. Personally, I want to be ready as I can be for whatever may happen. I know we can only do what we can do..but with God He will help us as we trust in Him to show us what to do…I have asked God to show me what exactly I need to do to be ready, and I have been shown some of the most unusual things to have on hand. I see that as God showing me He loves me and knows my every need. If you use something each and every day..then this is something that has to be priority on your getting ready list. I know we had Y2k and other things be foretold and then wham, things were not as bad as people said. I see what is happening now as our God warning us …we need to listen..yes there may have been “false alarms ” in the past..This situation right now is not the same..this is different and I am very glad we have people like you and Jim telling us what God shows you and for encouraging us to always keep our eyes on Christ, He is our source and He sends His prophets before He does anything. Praise God for the prophets that are instructing people so we can be ready for whatever may happen, be it a natural disaster or a man made disaster…Our God is an Awesome God and He loves us..always He loves us..

  7. I would advise anyone storing dehydrated food to get rain barrels.
    After Jim spoke about them, I had a neighbor put some in for me.
    It is amazing how fast they fill up. You need water to cook with among many other uses. You can’t be without a source of water. Right now I use them to water my fruit trees and veggie garden. But it gives me peace of mind knowing I have the Seychelle products in case of an emergency. I can use in conjunction with the water and the long shelf life foods. Do research and learn all you can. By the way the new products with the long shelf life fruit and vegatables, potatoes is a wonderful idea. Canned food is not tasty and it expires. Investing in it long term is a waste of money. Learn all you can and like Lori says be prepared. If you buy long term shelf life foods you do not have to worry about expiration dates etc. I just cleaned out a neighbors house and she had 2003 expired canned foods. Unedible and it had to be thrown out. I am as money permits going to go mostly with the long term food. It is a wiser investment. God Bless

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