It’s Later Than You Think

The week after the Japanese earthquake, many people world-wide began to take emergency preparedness seriously, at least for a little while.  The same seriousness fell like a blanket on this country after ‘911’.  People went back to church – at least for a few weeks.  Then, after the initial shock wore off, they were back to business as usual.  I don’t know why, but it seems like it always takes a major calamity to jolt people into action.     

This Spring and Summer, we have seen weather extremes like never before.  Record-breaking floods, droughts, temperatures and storms have battered the country and left much of our farmlands barren.  What do you think this is going to mean to food prices?  Well, I’ll tell you – food prices are going to skyrocket – and sooner than you think!

This past week, we have seen the stock market go up and down like a roller coaster.  What we don’t readily understand is what all that means to the economic situation in this country and the entire world.  What it means is that our money is very soon going to be worth almost nothing!

In Matthew 24:8 Jesus said the signs of nature will be like “birth pangs.”  The closer a pregnant woman gets to the time her baby is born, the birth pangs increase in two ways. They increase in frequency and intensity.  That is exactly what Jesus meant here. The closer we get to His coming, the more frequently we will see natural calamities like weather extremes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, plagues, famine, wars and the like. 

Why does Jesus tell us about the signs of His coming?  Jesus didn’t say that He would take us out of this world before we would experience any of these things.  If that were true, we would already be gone, wouldn’t we?!  No, Jesus told us about the signs because He didn’t want us to be taken by surprise and be unprepared! 

Why then do we yawn when we hear these things in our newscasts and act as if we are not going to be affected?  It’s time now to ‘read and heed’ Matthew 24! 

A recent article I read said we can count on three things very soon:

  1. Food supplies becoming scarce
  2. Food prices doubling in 2-3 years and then doubling again in the next 2-3 years
  3. Growing food will be more valuable than gold

Today, you may only hear about the world’s violence and economic woes, or see the faces of famine in another country on the news, or watch as natural disasters effect other parts of the nation and the world. But rest assured, we will not always be exempt from all these things. The world you see around you today may be very different tomorrow.  Don’t wait until it comes to you – you need to be ready today for what may come tomorrow.

The prophetic dreams, visions and revelation that the Lord gives his people are for a reason! We are not to ignore them! Everywhere, the Prophets are warning to get ready!  Of course, that means spiritually FIRST – but it also means get ready with food, water and other necessities! 

“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”  (Proverbs 22:3 NLT)

“A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them. The simpleton never looks and suffers the consequences.” (Proverbs 27:12 TLB)

As we see the events of Revelation escalating at a phenomenal rate, let’s make sure we are prepared – spiritually and physically. We still have time but we need to act NOW. The economic situation in this country and all over the world is going to make it very difficult, very soon to gather things we need for Times of Trouble. The stock market is on a roller coaster and it’s not going to end well.  The drought and extreme weather we are having is going to make food prices unaffordable rapidly!  It’s all coming together, or maybe we should say it’s all coming apart.

For now, we have a good supply of emergency food that we can hold the line on the pricing.  But in the very near future, you won’t be able to get this food at any price!  It’s fast coming to that and we know it to be true by the economic forecasts.  Don’t wait on this – your family is counting on you to provide the basic necessities of life for them when calamity strikes.

Do what you can today for your family and then rest in the fact that we are in the hands of a loving God.  Get your plan going! Do something today to prepare for tomorrow!

I don’t want anyone I love to have to suffer unnecessarily, and I want to have something left over to give to others.



Stock Market tumbling, what’s next?

Wall Street had its worst day today since the 2008 financial crisis that put the United States into a financial calamity that we are still in today! We are in the days that the book of Revelation told us would come before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  There is no way the Antichrist can take control without a time of crisis so bad that millions of people will sign up with him just to get food to eat. Continue reading

A Major March

On New Year’s Eve 2010, God showed me that the coming month of March would be a “Major March”.  A time of major upheaval but also a time of extreme answers to prayers and blessing for Gods people.    In addition to the New Year’s Eve warning, God again brought a warning  while taping  our television broadcast, that a 9.0 magnitude earthquake was coming, this was a week before the earthquake hit Japan.  We are now witnessing the apocalyptic events in Japan that were undoubtedly a part of both of those warnings.  More earthquakes and major events are coming to Japan very soon.  California and the area from Illinois and Missouri to Arkansas will have major events in the future.  Keep you eyes on the Ring of Fire.

On July 12, 2005, God showed me New Orleans under water.  Forty-one days later, on August 29, 2005, hurricane Katrina hit.

In 1999, God showed me 31 things that will come to pass shortly and most already have.

When I tell you of the warnings God gives me and how they come to pass, I’m doing so because I want you to know how much He cares for you – enough to send you a message through a watchman ahead of time so that you can be ready!  Throughout the Bible, God uses people in certain capacities to deliver His messages and warnings.  These warnings aren’t just meant for me and my family.  No!  These messages and warnings are for the entire family of God so that they can prepare, first their hearts, and then to help themselves and others in practical ways in Times of Trouble.

I do not claim to be a prophet but I am a watchman whom the Lord Jesus uses to warn others to be ready for impending calamity.  Jim Bakker is human and has “feet of clay” just like you do.  I’m not perfect – the only perfect people are the people you don’t know very well, except for Jesus!  I don’t want people to believe in me – I want them to believe in Jesus!  If you put your hope in men, they will fail you.  We are to glorify Jesus, not any man!  Jesus must be on the throne – and we are to be looking unto Jesus as author and finisher of our faith.  We are to be looking with intensity, an intense gaze!  If you lose focus in this hour, you may not have the time to regain your bearings!

The speed with which Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled is mind-boggling.  NOW is the time to get our heads on straight and get our hearts right with God.  NOW is the time to prepare for Times of Trouble.  Remember Revelation warns us when the last days events began they will happen quickly many at one time one right after another!

We will be comforted during the Times of Trouble, and we are not appointed to God’s wrath; but Jesus warns over and over to prepare, both physically and spiritually for what is coming during these times.

The Lord also gave me a dream right before New Year’s Eve about huge waves sweeping down through the streets and over people.  In the dream, I was running into a large tower-like structure and screaming for the people to follow me!  As we climbed higher and higher in the tower I could see the huge waves coming up the streets just as we see in the pictures on television from Japan.

I wouldn’t be a Friend of God or your friend if I didn’t tell you what I’m sensing and hearing.  It’s time to run to God – it’s time to run into the Strong Tower of God and be safe!  It’s time to get ready for the great waves of the Times of Trouble.  They are upon us.

Proverbs 18:10 tells us “ The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it, and they are safe.”



I Care!

Most of you know about the times of my life, nearly 25 years ago now, when there was great destruction and ruin that surrounded the ministry of PTL.  Anyone with access to a newspaper or television back then, saw the devastation of Heritage USA and witnessed the carnage of all that was built there… or so it seemed.

Though the world saw only devastation and ruin, there is much more to the ‘end of the story’.

At Heritage USA, the partners who gave faithfully made it possible to build a home for unwed mothers. There were many young women and girls who came there to live while their babies were growing and developing safely in their wombs. The girls were cared for with all their needs met in that safe place until the time they delivered their babies.

Through the home for unwed mothers at Heritage USA, these babies were given the gift of life instead of issued the sentence of death in an abortion clinic. I still hear quite often about someone who was born there at the home and what they are doing today. These now adult young people and sometimes their birth mothers, often express their gratitude for the provision they received which allowed them to make the right decisions. There are people who live today because we did what we could back then, and those who made that possible will receive a reward in heaven – the Bible tells us so!

Today, in this day of  unrestrained abortion of epidemic proportion, we have an even more pronounced opportunity to help young mothers make the right decisions about giving the gift of life to their unborn babies. So many babies have been murdered in the womb by this lawless generation, and it’s time now for the Church to stand up and do all that we can to help give life.

We have received the commission in a prophetic word by Cindy Jacobs to build “Lori’s House” and we are going to do it with your help! “Lori’s House” will be a safe place for girls and young women to come and have all their needs met while the little child within them grows strong enough to one day take its first breath. That life may go on to use that breath to glorify God and declare His love to a lost and dying world!

Today, we are filming several shows and partnering with Philip Cameron in the ministry of saving young girls and boys from a life of certain death in the sex trafficking trade. We are helping them to build “Stella’s House” in Moldova. Do you think Jesus is interested in this? Do you think Jesus cares if we give shelter, clothing, food and most of all love to these young girls and boys? Do you think Jesus cares?  You know He does and I care too!

In addition to helping Philip save lives in Moldova, we are going to build “Lori’s House” right here in Peaceful Valley at Morningside. We need your help. Just as those who helped Heritage USA’s home for unwed mothers are seeing the fruits of their labors in living beings who are precious to God, you can now sow into the lives of those yet to be born, those whom God has designed to be here on this earth in the Last Days.

When you help to give the gift of life, you will receive rewards in heaven. I didn’t say that, Jesus did! In Matthew 24, Jesus is talking to his disciples and giving them detailed information about the physical signs of the Last Days. The disciples continued to question him about the end of the age, and Jesus then expanded their understanding by telling them who will be chosen to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Here is what he said in Matthew 25:31-46

“The Son of Man will come again in his great glory, with all his angels. He will be King and sit on his great throne. All the nations of the world will be gathered before him, and he will separate them into two groups as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. The Son of Man will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

“Then the King will say to the people on his right, ‘Come, my Father has given you his blessing. Receive the kingdom God has prepared for you since the world was made. I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was alone and away from home, and you invited me into your house. I was without clothes, and you gave me something to wear. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’

“Then the good people will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you food, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you alone and away from home and invite you into our house? When did we see you without clothes and give you something to wear? When did we see you sick or in prison and care for you?’

“Then the King will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me.’
“Then the King will say to those on his left, ‘Go away from me. You will be punished. Go into the fire that burns forever that was prepared for the devil and his angels. I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink. I was alone and away from home, and you did not invite me into your house. I was without clothes, and you gave me nothing to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you did not care for me.’

“Then those people will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or alone and away from home or without clothes or sick or in prison? When did we see these things and not help you?’

“Then the King will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, anything you refused to do for even the least of my people here, you refused to do for me.’ “These people will go off to be punished forever, but the good people will go to live forever.Love,


We All Need Hope and Encouragement

Lori and I and our Master’s Media group recently attended a Master’s Commission conference in Dallas where we met so many wonderful people!  While we were there, over 100 kids wanted information for the Master’s Media training here at Morningside.

In Dallas, we met a Master’s Commission group from North Pole, Alaska that just knocked our socks off.  There was an immediate connection – hearts to hearts – and we invited them to come to Missouri to visit us on the set to get a feel for what we do here in our Master’s Media training.

So, our friends from North Pole came to see us this week, and there was instant magic in our midst!  While they may have come to receive information about our media training, they also brought us an invaluable gift.  They encouraged us greatly!

The gift of exhortation always brings hope – not false hope, but hope based on the promises of God.  The world is longing for such a message.  While we try every day to bring a message of hope and encouragement to our viewers, we also need to receive hope and encouragement now and then!

I’m convinced that as we draw closer to our Lord’s return, this world is going to experience many upheavals.  As we have said before, everything that can be shaken will be shaken, including many people’s faith.  If ever there was a time when we needed the ministry of encouragement, it is now.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:23-25 NASB)

What day is the author of Hebrews talking about?  The day when Jesus returns!  Between now and that day, we need to be encouraging each other as never before.  Whether you have a ministry of encouragement or not, we can all stimulate each other to love each other more, to help each other by doing simple, good deeds, and by gathering together to worship and praise the Lord as we see the day of the Lord approaching.



Prayer a Priority in the Last Days

So often, the attitude of many Christians today is:  “When all else fails, pray.”  Or how many times have you heard this:  “Well, brother, just pray about it.”  Just pray?  How about starting with prayer?  How about believing that if anything good is going to happen in the church, it must begin with prayer!

To the first-century Christian community, prayer was their first choice, not their last resort (Acts 2:42).  They prayed about almost everything:  spiritual direction, food, finances, and supernatural healing.  Throughout the Scriptures, we are encouraged to pray, even commanded to pray, yet prayer continues to be one of the last resources we turn to when problems, decisions, or opportunities arise.

I was greatly encouraged when one of the prophetic words that I was privileged to hear at a conference concerned the prayers of the body of Christ.  The prophet shared a message that clearly proclaimed God planned to restore divine healing in the last days.  Not contrived or manipulated “healings”; not psychosomatic healings (although mental and emotional healings will no doubt be included); not sweeping, broad generalizations regarding healing; not the sort of “pay-per-prayer”  manipulation of people’s sincere faith that has been so prevalent among healing ministries.  But God is going to restore genuine, supernatural healing on a widespread basis.

The prophet shared a vision he had received from the Lord, in which hundreds and hundreds of people were praying for each other and multitudes were being healed.

Interestingly, the prophet reported that, in the vision, the people who were praying appeared to be “faceless”.  He interpreted this to mean that the healings would not take place through “high-profile,” well-known ministers, but through common, everyday folks.  Furthermore, the message implied that God will continue to do miraculous healings so long as we do not care who gets the glory.  And when we really stop to think about it, all the glory for any genuine healing belongs to our Lord God, not to the vessel through which He chooses to bring about the miracle.

As you know, Lori and I believe in doing all you can to take care of yourself so that you will be healthy.  As much as you can affect your health by eating right and making other healthy choices, you should do it.  But when you need a supernatural healing, don’t hesitate to call on the Lord in prayer!  He is the Healer and all those times recorded in the Bible of supernatural healing are for today as well.



Crying Out in Unison – Rick Joyner’s Message

I rarely post someone else’s message, but I’m going to make an exception with this one.  The following message is authored by the pastor at Rick Joyner’s Moravian Falls church in North Carolina.  I’m posting it here, in my blog because I believe it’s for all of us.  I’m not the only one who cries out for the church to be ready.  Those who are listening, cry out in unison with the Spirit of God for the Church.

Please read this post and take it to heart.  The time to get ready is NOW!




This past Sunday (Feb. 13th) at HIM in Fort Mill, Rick again encouraged the congregation to do what they could to have at least a 3 week up to 3 months supply of food on hand. In addition, and more urgently, we must have some idea on how to obtain drinkable water. Given the instability both nationally and internationally, Rick strongly believes that although we must not give in to a spirit of fear, it is wise and prudent to store food as an emergency back up.

We have also stressed this on a number of occasions and I again encourage each family to do whatever they feel is wise and out of their own obedience to the Lord.  Remember Noah, being divinely warned of things that had not yet occurred, prepared and built the ark.   As a result of Noah’s obedience, he and his household were saved.   I also agree that fear has no place among believers, however, like Noah, it takes far more faith to be prepared than to do nothing.

Stored food does not have to be wasted but can be easily used and replaced on an ongoing basis.  Regarding water, there are some simple solutions that we will be sharing with the congregation in the coming weeks.

On another note, we know it is easy to get out of the habit of attending church and we also don’t want attending our meetings to be just another religious tradition. However, there is a reason we are exhorted in Hebrews 10:25, when it states,“not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.  ” In other words, in the times we are living we should be drawing closer together and we should become more connected because we need each other!  It was Noah and his ‘family’ who were saved.   Yes, we attend corporate meetings to worship and hear the Word and share what God has done for us, but it is also to be connected with family!  The Scriptures confirm that He sets the solitary in families.  That is a lot of what church is all about.  It is vital to be properly connected in the days that are to come.

These are incredible times to belong to the One who rules and reigns over all.   It’s not a time to fear, but to rise up in faith.  The greatest days to be a Christian living on the earth are in front of us.

If anyone needs some tips on how to begin storing food, please let us know.

David White

Pastor – MorningStar Fellowship Church Wilkesboro/Moravian Falls


Now, more than ever before, we need to pay attention to the prophets!

Do not hesitate – act now.

We have offered everything you need to survive in Times of Trouble for a reason.

THIS is the reason.  NOW is the time.

Dreams and Dreamers

Martin Luther King made the statement “I have a dream” an icon in the history of racial equality.  But the dream Martin Luther King had was much more than just an icon.  It was the vision for his life and the reason he lived.  He did something about his dream – but it cost him his life.  He was very aware of the dangers in pursuing his dream, but he was compelled by the vision for his life.

Jesus said “No one can take my life from me.  I sacrifice it voluntarily.  For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again.  For this is what my Father has commanded.”  John 10:18 NLT Continue reading

The State of the Nation

Continuing with the words the Lord gave me for 2011, perhaps the most sobering was in regards to the spiritual condition of America.  The Lord was very clear when he told me that in one year, the glory of this nation will be gone.  America is losing her glory.

Isaiah 21:16 “This is what the Lord says to me:  All of Kedar’s honor will be gone in another year.  I will count it like workers count the years left on their contracts.” GWT

I wish I could say that most of us who are Christians can see the depth of the depravity into which this nation has descended, but it’s a proven fact that we can’t.  Recent fact-gathering surveys have reported that among professing Christians, views on issues of morals, money, and marriage are virtually indistinguishable from the world.  That’s a sad indictment for this nation, in which there is a reported 82.3% of the population who are Christians.  What kind of Christians live and behave just like the world?

The Bible tells us that “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” KJV

Instead of the Light of righteousness, truth and justice dispelling the darkness of sin and depravity in this nation, we have permitted the darkness in every area of life.  Our churches have become social centers focused on who can provide the best entertainment in order to grow the biggest support base.  Our schools are godless institutions that prohibit prayer or any expression of faith, especially Christian faith.   Our courts are in contempt of the Courts of Heaven – having mastered the incredible task of calling evil good and good evil.  Our entertainment sources are cesspools of filth that provide precious little that is fit for a true Christian.  

How did we get here?  How did this happen?  Where do we go from here?

Stay tuned!

One Day Soon

It may surprise some of  you, but the reality is that we are already in a war, a spiritual war, right here on Earth.  The kingdom of God is being viciously opposed by the forces of evil.  This war is real with very high stakes – the salvation of men, women, boys and girls all over the world.   As the Church, we are new soldiers in this very old war.

Every day we are moving closer and closer to the time of Jesus’ return.    This is not a time to sit on the sidelines and watch as a spectator.  We are entering a season of acceleration. Continue reading