24/7 Prayer!

Dear Friends and Partners,

One of my life-long dreams, first implemented at Heritage USA in the Upper Room, is to have the ability to serve the spiritual needs of people with prayer available 24/7! That dream lives on today at Morningside where I am excited to announce that united prayer ascends to God twenty-four hours a day in behalf of His people in these Last Days.

Prayer is the foundation upon which anything is built. We believe in and practice constant prayer for the needs of people, the nation and the world. I believe there is no burden so great, no need so insignificant, no situation so grave as to be beyond the power of prayer.

Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results. James 5:16 TLB

Here at Morningside we are experiencing amazing breakthroughs in the ministry and the 24/7 Prayer Center is one of the greatest! For years I have been so concerned about my viewers not having accessibility to a Prayer Line at any time, day or night.

But now, we have been blessed to implement a 24/7 Prayer Line starting immediately. I believe that this is God’s heart – to touch Heaven on behalf of others. I hope each one of you will take advantage of this. Our prayer partners are sincere and compassionate individuals who will agree with you in prayer according to Matthew 18:19.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 NIV

Already our prayer team has received many praise reports of answered prayers. We give God all the glory. Whenever you need personal prayer, call our 24/7 Prayer Line at Morningside Church (417)779-9000. We are here for you.

God bless each and every one of you. You are in my prayers.

Remember – God loves you – He really does!


Jim's Signature CMYK-1


11 thoughts on “24/7 Prayer!

  1. Please pray for our President for strength and courage to deal with this evil that surrounds him in Washington, God bless and keep him and his precious family, In Jesus name…amen…

  2. Please pray for my grown son kris eyes disease and bipolar disorder kris other issues prayers for kris Godly lady to move on in life prayers for my grown son Josh he goes threw some tough times he needs peace and happiness prayers for my grown son Derek and his wife missy and kids salvation prayers for my friend Michael Anthony and prayer for my friend Earl special prayers for my friend libby older lady thank you for praying

  3. Please pray for me name Bonnie prayers God would guide me lead me show me help me give me wisdom were to move and live prayers for God to guide me to Godly man for my life turns into Christian husband and prayer partner for my life prayers for my fincaince problems and food disorder prayers for God mercy and grace and peace and protection for my life prayers for family members to treat me with respect and love quit being so hateful to me making me cry

  4. I would Like prayer for my daughter LeAnne Stover. She will have surgery in the morning. The doctors found a cancerous tumor in her colon. She will also have to go through chemo afterwards.
    Please pray that they will be able to get all of the cancer and a cancer free, full recovery

  5. We are in a similar situation . My husband has no work and hasn’t had paid work for at least 4 years. He went to bible college and has being doing ministry at our church all on a volunteer basis. We have reached a time we can no longer survive on my 3 days work and provide for me plus husband and three little ones. We need a breakthrough with job for him and finances.

  6. Dan,
    Keep on praising him and doing His work. Our Lord will come through for you. He is with you every step of the way even when you think he has forgotten you… he hasn’t. You will be in my prayers. I’m believing for a miracle!

  7. Been out of work 2 years and no income .No way to prepare ,No way to pay the bills . No way to overcome this problem .The street is closer each day .At 54 years old it hard hard times . I spend my days witnessing to the lost . Need a supernatural answer from the true God Jesus my savior .At one time I was able to give to Jim Bakker ….

    • Dan,

      My present situation mirrors yours, except mine is 4 years long with a young family of two toddlers. Keep trusting in the Lord. Declare every day his promises to you. He won’t leave you nor forsake you, He is always there. He sees your heart and He knows you are trusting Him to deliver you and He will.
      Keep doing as much as you can, apply to all jobs, etc., and trust Him to come through for you.
      Sometimes we do not believe that we can be stretched so far thin, but that’s when your faith strengthens. So surrender all worries at His feet and give Him Praise! See the doors that will open when your joy in Him comes forward. Read Jeremiah 29:11-14 and Deuteronomy 28:1-14
      I am praying for you,
      Your brother in Christ.

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