A Second Abortion House of Horrors Alleged In Houston

Three former employees of a Houston abortionist have claimed that they saw babies killed inside the clinic after being born alive.

The employees of Douglas Karpen, who operates three abortion clinics in Texas, claim that he has performed illegal late-term abortions in addition to killing babies who were born alive in violation of the federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

A fourth employee whose identity is being withheld by investigators is in the process of filing an affidavit to support the story of the previous three employees.

Operation Rescue released photos taken from the employees camera phones that showed babies born after 24 weeks who had their necks allegedly cut by Karpen. It was the same manner of killing the infants that was used by Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist from Philadelphia who was sentenced this week to life in prison after being convicted of first-degree murder for killing three babies.

“In fact, there are numerous similarities between Karpen and the Gosnell case, including the disregarding of complaints by the authorities that allowed both men to continue their illegal operations,” said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue.

The Texas Department of State Health Services announced they will be joining the district attorney’s investigation into Karpen’s clinic.

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