ADL Reports Massive Surge In Anti-Semitism

Luke 19:43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.

The Anti-Defamation League is reporting a “dramatic surge” in anti-Semitism around the world in the wake of the conflict in the Gaza strip with Islamic terrorists attacking Israel.

The ADL report showed dozens of international incidents including physical assaults, threats, intimidation, public hate speech and damage to synagogues including the use of Nazi symbols in graffiti.

Abraham Foxman, the National Director of the ADL, said that the report shows “focuses on actions and speech with extend far beyond the bounds of criticism into violence and bigotry.”

“There was a dramatic surge in violence against Jews and Jewish institutions around the world during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge. From France to the Argentina, from Canada to Chile, synagogues were attacked, Jewish cultural centers were vandalized, Jewish shops were threatened and identifiably Jewish individuals beaten on the street. Anti-Semitism was in the air, and in the streets,” Foxman said.

The ADL noted many of the incident were advertised or started as “pro-peace, pro-Palestine” rallies but quickly degraded into anti-Semitic rallies with messages of support for Islamic terrorists who want to exterminate all Jews.

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