African Union Calls For NATO Troops To Fight Islamists

Revelation 6:3-4 NCV When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take away peace (prosperity, rest) from the earth and to make people kill each other (butcher, slaughter, to maim violently, in streets), and he was given a big sword (assassins sword, terrorist, loud, mighty, sore afraid).

The chairman of the African Union is calling for NATO to send troops to fight Islamic extremists who have taken control of northern Mali.

Thomas Boni Yaya is calling for intervention in the country similar to how NATO placed troops in Afghanistan in the removal of the Taliban. Yaya classified the situation as an “international question” similar to the Taliban’s control of Afghanistan.

The U.N. last month approached plans to send 3,000 troops to Mali to fight the terrorist group.

Several NATO members have offered to train troops for the Mali operation but have not offered to provide troops on the ground to join in the fighting. One NATO member, Canada, said they would not be involved directly in any way to stop the Islamists.

Fighters from Libya who were loyal to Col. Gadaffi and left after the revolution, have strengthened the Islamic terrorists.

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