Al-Shabab Leader Captured

Matthew 24:10,11 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

A day after the United States announced financial bounties on Islamic terrorists in Africa, a leader of the Islamist terrorist group al-Shabab was captured in northeastern Somalia.

Abdikafi Mohamed Ali was wounded during a military raid on a terrorist safe house in Bossaso. One soldier was killed in the raid and the area has been locked down to capture the terrorists who were able to flee the home during the raid.

The northeastern part of the country is known as Puntland and has been semi-autonomous because of the governmental instability in Somalia over the last decade. Terrorists who had been fighting in the southern part of the country fled to Puntland after African Union troops joined with the Somali military to take back key cities.

Al-Shabab has been trying to establish a hold on the region by assassinating local officials, judges and religious leaders.

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