Alabama Judge To Put Abortion Law on Trial

Matthew 19:18 ESV “And Jesus said, “You shall not murder…”

Editor’s Note: Throughout the scriptures, God has made it clear that shedding innocent blood is murder, and no murderer will enter heaven. In addition to the death of the unborn baby, abortion also substantially harms the women and many times, families, husbands, boyfriends and a whole sphere of relationships connected to and surrounding each abortion. Often, lifelong guilt and other social, relational, spiritual and even physical problems follow the murder of innocent babes in the womb. Pastor Jim Bakker believes that this issue, abortion, may be the single most significant issue that brings God’s judgment on this nation more than any other.

A district court judge who blocked Alabama’s abortion law announced they will be holding a trial to discover the “merits” of the law.

Judge Myron Thompson, appointed by President Carter in 1980, issued a decision on the law saying that if the court finds the law was passed in an attempt to protect the lives of an unborn baby, then the law is unconstitutional.

Pro-abortion groups including Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and Reproductive Health Services immediately attacked the law upon passage, which Governor Robert Bentley signed last year.  The judge placed the law on hold because he said evidence had to be reviewed regarding the effects of the law.

Abortion supporters say the law’s requirement that abortionists obtain admitting privileges at a nearby hospital is too restrictive because most hospitals won’t give those privileges.  They claim at least three of the state’s five abortion clinics would have to close if the law is allowed to go into effect.

The Alabama legislature is considering three new bills to curtail abortion in the state.

One thought on “Alabama Judge To Put Abortion Law on Trial

  1. If the life of an unborn child is not valued enough to have legal protection for his/her right to live, what on earth could be superior to that right? The kind of thinking as this article seems to suggest, is an example of reprobate minds leading to complete insanity.

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