Alaska Volcano Eruption Disrupts Flights

Acts 2:19 And I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.

Pavlof Volcano, after weeks of spewing ash and lava, erupted with a new intensity Tuesday launching cinders 5 miles into the sky.

The ash has covered the town of King Cove, 30 miles south of the volcano. The ash plume has not risen beyond 28,000 feet so it doesn’t impact jetliner traffic but has forced lower-flying aircraft to divert to other flight paths.

“For some reason we can’t explain, it picked up in intensity and vigor,” Alaska Volcano Observatory geologist Tina Neal said.

The National Weather Service has issued an ash advisory for the region. The advisory warns those with breathing problems like asthma to be alert to attacks and potential damage to electronic equipment.

Pavlof is not the only volcano currently erupting in Alaska. Veniaminof Volcano, 485 miles southwest of Anchorage, is erupting. The ash is being kept in an area around the summit.

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