American Pastor In Iran Releases Letter To Supporters

Luke 21:12 “But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name.

Saeed Abedini, the American pastor being held in Iran’s brutal Evin prison, released a letter to supporters thanking them for their prayers and rejoicing in the news that his imprisonment is bringing the body of Christ together.

“I heard that the persecution, my arrest and imprisonment has united churches from different denominations, from different cities and countries, that would never come together because of their differences,” Abedini wrote in his letter. “You don’t know how happy I was in the Lord and rejoiced knowing that in my chains the body of Christ has chained together and is brought to action and prayer.”

Pastor Abedini has been subjected to regular beatings and is in frail health due to a lack of medical care for his wounds. He has been suffering from internal bleeding according to his attorneys.

The American Center for Law and Justice is representing Abedini in the U.S. and has noted that the U.S. Government has done nothing to assist this American jailed for his Christian faith.

“This year, the international community – including the European Union and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran – have spoken out clearly and directly for Pastor Saeed, but his own adopted nation has done less for him than the EU, less than Australia,” Sekulow said. “Shouldn’t the United States do at least as much for its own citizen as it did for that brave Iranian pastor?”

The State Department has not issued one press statement calling for Abedini’s release.

3 thoughts on “American Pastor In Iran Releases Letter To Supporters

  1. This behavior has become commonplace, and it doesn’t even require spiritual discernment to know why–as is evidenced by the UN and EU’s outcry, while the US is mute. The insidious introduction, and acceptance, of political correctness along with the threat of repercussion from the powers that be have muzzled many including Christians. How things will turn out is anyone’s guess. Some hold out to the hope that there are enough true Americans and others who will stand up for freedom, while others believe we’ve lost America as we’ve known it. Already other countries are succumbing to the enemy. Thank God we are Christians and know Jesus Christ/Jehovah/The Almighty God IS GREATER and WE WIN!!! For now we must win souls to Jesus Christ, and that’s our weapon against The Enemy/Satan, as Scripture instructs us that our weapons are not carnal and the real enemy is the Devil NOT flesh and blood. God Bless you all, and keep up the good work. Love, In Christ, Lucinda

  2. It is time for the members of all churches to gather together, no matter what denomination they are, and march on the White House. The US action on this is an abomination !

  3. The “non” action of this government makes me want to move to Canada. It is getting harder and harder to admit to being an American citizan these days. I’m at the age of “remember when”, and “remember the good old day?” when our government cared about its people.

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