Anti-Christian Group Forces Removal of Inspirational Painting At Air Force Base

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Mountain Home Air Force Base has an empty space on the dining hall wall after the anti-Christian Military Religious Freedom Foundation demanded its removal.

The MRFF said a painting of a soldier with the word “integrity” along with the inscription Matthew 5:9 was “repugnant” and an “overt display of Christian nationalism.” The head of the MRFF called the Air Force Friday morning demanding the painting be removed within one hour and the Air Force immediately removed it.

“We make reasonable accommodations for all religions and celebrate the religious diversity of our Airmen,” Col. Christopher Short, the commander of the 366th Fighter Wing, told Fox News.

Lt. General Jerry Boykin (ret.), the vice president of the Family Research Council, said this situation raises serious questions regarding the Pentagon’s attitudes toward religious liberty.

“We’ve gotten so many conflicting statements from the Pentagon,” he said. “It’s leading me to wonder what the truth is – not only about the DoD policy – but what is their relationship with (MRFF founder) Mikey Weinstein and how much influence does he have?”

2 thoughts on “Anti-Christian Group Forces Removal of Inspirational Painting At Air Force Base

  1. Wake up Christians maybe we could call or petition Mountain AFB to put it back on the wall. If we would be out raged by speaking out this would not keep happening when ONE person can do this. We the people are more than they. We should start standing up, when a high school student has the courage to stand up. We need to get some of his courage and stop being wimps. Lord give us the courage to stand for You. It is better to obey God than man. He has our back, man is like a boat being tossed to and fro and standing for nothing but falling for everything.

  2. Why can’t us Christians “demand” that it be put back because it is discrimation against Christians all over the world? I would be willing to guess that there is a picture or pictorial reference to Allah somewhere on a wall at the Air Force base. It is demeaning and offensive to all Christians to remove it because of one telephone call. Where is our backbone?

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