Anti-Christians Force Removal Of Ten Commandments

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation obtained their wish and intimidated the Muldrow, Oklahoma public schools into removing plaques of the Ten Commandments that had been placed in classrooms for decades.

The superintendent of the Muldrow Public Schools told Fox News they had no choice but to remove the plaques.

“It is kind of sad in a way,” Flanagan said. “It’s been a part of our school system for a long time. It was a tough thing to deal with.”

Students from all schools in the district had been rallying against the out-of-state group with petitions and social media campaigns but the school board said they were bound by the rulings of the Supreme Court.

“It’s Christianity under attack within our own country,” Josh Moore, pastor of First Baptist Church, told Fox. “The irony can’t be missed by anyone who’s lived in this country or grown up in this country.”

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