THEY GOT HIM! Boston Marathon Bomber In Custody

Friday night, less than a week after killing three people and injuring over 170 others in a terrorist bombing, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is the custody of FBI and Boston police officials.

Tsarnaev, 19, identified as “suspect two” in the photographs released by the FBI this week, was discovered hiding inside a boat in the backyard of a home in Watertown, Massachusetts.  The homeowner had been in his backyard earlier in the day and saw nothing but as evening approached noticed something amiss about the boat just after the police order to stay inside had been lifted by Governor Deval Patrick.

“He looked and noticed something was off about his boat, so he got his ladder, and he put his ladder up on the side of the boat and climbed up, and then he saw blood on it, and he thought he saw what was a body laying in the boat,” George Pizzuto, the neighbor of the boat owner, told  ABC. “So he got out of the boat fast and called police.”

A blackhawk helicopter flew over the home and used a thermal camera to determine there was a person hiding inside the boat.

There was a gun battle described as “massive” for about 15 to 20 seconds during which Tsarnaev was wounded.  Police say that he suffered “extreme blood loss” and was being taken to a local hospital to be stabilized.

The capture of Tsarnaev alive is being hailed by police officials as a very signifiant event due to the possibility of obtaining intelligence from him concerning the attacks and if anyone else was involved in the planning of the attack.

Massachusetts State Police Superintendent Col. Timothy Alben told reporters at a press conference today that the reason Tsarnaev was able to escape last night is that during the initial attack there were not enough people to provide first aid to those injured in the bomb/gun battle and also set up a perimeter; the police on site chose to provide emergency help to the wounded.



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