Boston Terror Death Toll Reaches 3

A third person has died from injuries sustained in the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing.

Boston officials confirmed at least 130 injured. The death toll is in danger of rising because of at least six people confirmed to be in critical condition at Massachusetts General Hospital. CNN is reporting that 17 people are “fighting for their lives.”

First responders on the scene said many of the seriously wounded suffered losses of limbs. WBZ-TV reporters on the scene simply said “there’s a lot of blood” at the site of the attack. A state police officer told CNN that he personally attended to 25 to 30 people missing limbs.

Boston police have barricaded a 15 block area around the bombing site and are refusing to let anyone in who is not part of the federal and state investigation. The FAA is maintaining a no-fly zone over the bombing site at the request of law enforcement.

“We will find out who did this and we will hold them accountable,” President Obama told reporters at the White House.

The Boston Marathon is the oldest annual marathon in the world. 2013 marked the 117th running.

Every U.S. state and 90 countries were represented in the 28,000 runners participating in the marathon. It is the second biggest single-day sporting event in the United States behind the Super Bowl.

One thought on “Boston Terror Death Toll Reaches 3

  1. BOMBS & BOMBINGS; Which way is America about to go?

    Bombing, bombings, bomb, guns, gun, bullets, bullet, knives, knife, destruction, crippling, crippled, loss, seperation are all keywords that have missnomers and foolish understandings attached. Yet for the purposes of this post, if allowed, all are related to the word “death”. Death, a state of being that we Americans have been trained so to avoid, to avoid even the conversation / the recognition of. We put our parents away and pay others to deal with it while we fantasize of death in books and movies and in the evening of October 31st. In reality, we Americans flee from the thought of death. Death has even been extravagantly painted within the realm of marketing so to get one to buy, be it the anti-aging arena, the pharmaceutical arena or the I gotta have that Obama care arena. In whatever way you view it, death sells. Death sells BIG time!
    Doubt me? Just look into what has been going on within Israel.

    Such a tough and strong people, the nation of Israel is. The entire world is freeking out and screaming for Israel to allow peace to happen while it is and has been the Israeli peoples who have been and are being blown to pieces! How much of a lie and anger toward Israel can one believe???
    Have we become a world of reprobates, no longer simply that reprobate that lives across town, that reprobate we were instructed by our initial life-mentors (parents?) to avoid? Have we become numb & thereby “tolerant” to the devices / instructors / mentors of Satan?

    About two hours ago, I awoke from a long dream. I then simply stayed motionless in bed, quiet, listening.
    It was a dream with many details, yet it was the final scenes that I remember. A huge army, we were marching / walking what felt to be northward, 3 to 4 wide, a very long distance, from A to B, through / in an underground dirt tunnel. In & @ the end of a 10 to 20 foot perpendicular (horrizontal) off-branch to this tunnel on the left side, I saw a very small hole. Some of the other guys began to crowd around me & to look over my shoulder as I was peaking through this hole that revealed the outside (of the tunnel). The enemy, another army was out there, marching / walking in similar fashion, right up beside and along the tunnel wall, marching / walking in the opposite direction. Some of the handfull of men around me wanted to knock the dirt out and to begin shooting. Me, I knew we’d all be dead if any of us did such and somehow I would not allow for such to happen. The thought pushed at me hard that we could shoot them like lined ducks, yet I pushed myself to stay at NO.
    Now I am outside the tunnel, on the other side of the hole, a member of the other not-as-large army. I am no longer marching / walking as I had been in the tunnel. I was outside the tunnel, yet focused on that hole (from a 50 foot or so distance), knowing what was on the other side. I also sensed that the army that I now was a part of was of a British (European) origin and that the army within the tunnel was of an axis origin. There was also the awareness that upper command knew of this long strewn-out army within the very long tunnel, even though I noticed the men around me were unaware of upper commands’ knowing.
    We began poking at and digging at the hole from the outside while they began digging from the inside. I think that just before the hole became fully opened, I began yelling at these men (on the outside) while running (southward?), having already placed some distance between us and the tunnel. The entire length of the tunnel was about to explode via upper command and any man outside the tunnel who is near this tunnel will also be killed when said tunnel is destroyed via explosion.
    Then the earth began shaking and the ground above the tunnel began collapsing along our left as a handfull of us on the outside were running parallel to the tunnel (southward?). Then suddenly, I hooked right as I saw the ground off in the distance in front of me begin collapsing in 2 or 3 additional yet similar lines, collapsing towards me / us. This secondary collapsing ground was much broader (in width). The initial tunnel was still sectionally collapsing when this secondary collapsing ground began. As I had hooked right and became aware that I (& many of the men around me outside of the tunnel) could not outrun this rapidly collapsing ground, I awoke.

    What I heard and saw as I quietly layed there was not something I wanted to hear nor see. What I recognized was what had been allowed and therefore led up to this dream. Through the last couple of decades, political in nature, controlling & overbearing.

    I then thought of the dead child watching the Boston marathon. Of the little sister who dreamed of being a dancer having to awaken to the tramatic fact she no longer has legs. Of the tramatized mother who possibly saw her babies blown apart &/or the gory bloody goo and body parts / pieces strewn around. Of the father who very probably has that deep internal load of why didn’t I protect them.

    Then I began to think on my sin:
    • Why is it I am not going to this young girl so to bring out of heaven another set of legs for her?
    • Why is it I am not going to this mother so to remove the trauma from her?
    • Why is it I am not going to the father so to bring him words of encouragement and healing to his family? And to (God knows how!) raise his dead son?
    • Why is it I am not going to the proper authorities with a detailed map & itenerary (motives) of those responsible for this Boston marathon bombing. Boston, the harbor by which our independence from Europe (England) was instigated by way of a newly imposed 4% tax (& we now pay what ! ?).
    • Why ! ? ? ?

    So I must repent of my ways. Father, I have no reason / excuse / whatever for not having done so (as mentioned above).
    Much has been given & therefore, much is expected. I understand and I weep inside because of my sin within apathy. I’ve an office with a wonderful desk by which to study. Numerous Bibles & reference books collected over the years. A computer by which to organize & type. The internet which allows for me to access untold intel concerning the written Word of God. A relationship with You, Father, Creator of all that is & was & ever will be. A relationship with You, Lord Jesus, my brother, my strength, my example. A relationship with You, Holy Spirit, my comforter, my councilor, my power, my wisdom. With You (Holy Spirit), I have limitless access to the Father via Jesus.
    Yet, I’ve been found wanting in the balance, with spot & blemish.

    I am to turn from my wicked (twisted) ways.
    I am a carrier of God, whose tent is enlarged, and being still enlarged day by day by day, to carry more & more of God.

    The presence of God is key.
    God and His presence are one.
    Therefore carry His presence and above said “miracles” will happen.
    Because I live and walk by faith, not by sight.
    “Miracles” come out of my faith walk.

    Guide us as Your Body, Lord Jesus. Test & try us; teach us quickly & engraft within us the lifestyle of faith by which the world sees & lables as “miracles”. Form & mold us; guide us and thereby bring us into that state of glory by which is closest to You. Father, open our eyes to see & our ears to hear so that we can become a Body that is reflective of Your Son. Without spot or wrinkle. Doing greater works. And by our conversation / life-style / witness, de-populating Hell.

    Because of Jesus,
    Romans 8:19

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