British Prime Minister: “Christianity Most Persecuted”

Luke 21:12 “But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name.

The Prime Minister of Great Britain says that Christianity is now the most persecuted religion in the world and that his nation should be “unashamed” in standing up for the rights of Christians.

Prime Minister David Cameron, in a speech to a group attending an Easter reception, said that he believes his nation can play a leading role in stopping the persecution of Christians around the world.

“We’re seen as a country that is engaged internationally,” Cameron said.  “We should stand up against persecution of Christians and other religious groups wherever and whenever we can, and we should be unashamed in doing so.”

The Pew Research Center says that Christians are the most oppressed religious group with persecution against them reported in at least 110 countries around the world.

Cameron also said there was a need to expand the role of faith and faith based organizations in the country.

“[We need] more belief that we can get out there and actually change people’s lives and make a difference and improve the spiritual, physical and moral state of our country,” Cameron said.

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